Micah is a book that is filled with some hard, divine judgment due to some pretty wicked behavior on the part of both Israel and Judah (1:1). God, through Micah, calls them His enemy (2:8). They devise evil on their beds at night and carried it out in the morning light (2:1). They hated good and loved evil (3:2). Their spiritual leaders led them away from Him (3:5ff). They were anxious to do evil with "both hands" (7:3) and were willing to betray even their own brother (7:2). These were grim moral times among the people of God, yet Micah's message is filled with future hope and even promises concerning the Messiah (5:2) and a passage Jesus quotes in His ministry (7:6).
Micah ends the prophesy with some of the most hopeful language of the entire Old Testament, when he says,
Micah ends the prophesy with some of the most hopeful language of the entire Old Testament, when he says,
over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage?
He does not retain His anger forever, because He
delights in mercy. He will again have compassion on us, and
will subdue our iniquities. You will cast all our
sins into the depths of the sea. You will give truth
to Jacob and mercy to Abraham which You have sworn
to our fathers from days of old" (7:18-20).
Micah asks, then answers, one of the most important questions of all time and eternity. Who is a God like the God of the Bible?
Examine the world religions and their gods are fallible, human, and unsafe to follow. They do not possess nor dispense truth. The idol gods are made by hands. The gods of self are made by minds. But the God of the Bible was not made. He made all.
God is unique, according to Micah, because of many basic, important qualities:
God is unique, according to Micah, because of many basic, important qualities:
- Ability and willingness to forgive (18)
- A mercy which mitigates His holy anger (18).
- A compassion that subdues iniquities (19).
- The giver of truth (20).
- The One who keeps His promises (20).
Consider how valuable each of these five basic traits is to how we view our past, present, and future. God possesses everything we need and gives to those of us who ask and submit to Him. Why would we look elsewhere for God than where He clearly makes Himself known to us? As the youth song suggests, "There's no God like Jehovah!"
--Neal Pollard
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