A library in Kansas City, MO is probably much like any other library on the inside, but not the outside. The outside of the building has the appearance of a bookshelf with 22 books, each one about 25 feet tall. Most of these books are considered to be some of the greatest and well-known works. Here are a few of them: Romeo and Juliet, Fehrenheit 451, Charlotte's Web, Lord of the Rings, To Kill a Mocking Bird, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and several others.
However, if you take a look at the list of books (Click Here), you may realize something is missing. Since they are attempting to list some of the most popular books ever, wouldn't it seem logical to include THE most popular book ever? That's right, the Bible, the most important book is not among these other books. The Bible, the Book of books is missing from these works.
There is not much dispute that some of these others books are great books on one level or another, but are these books more important that the Bible? Jesus has told us that all will be judged by the words that He spoke through the Father (John 12:46-50; 14:23-24; Luke 10:16; etc), and we find these words in the Bible. We will not be judged by the words of Romeo and Juliet or To Kill a Mocking Bird, or any book other than the Bible. People have become so distracted with other things in this life that God has taken the back seat, if even a seat at all. On Judgment Day, surely all people will have wished they put the Bible before Romeo and Juliet. While there can be so many distractions in this life, sometimes we need a reminder that the only book God ever wrote is the one from which we must never be distracted (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Let's always remember that there is no other book by which we will be judged. Therefore it deserves the appropriate time, attention, study and obedience.
Brett Petrillo
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