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Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Is Christmas in the Bible?

What about Christmas?

It is not the giving of gifts that is challenged.  It is not the happy associations we may have with our families and friends.  Such things can be right at any time of the year.   We are not questioning these things.  Our point is simply this:  The Bible does not inform us as to the birthday of Christ, nor does the Bible authorize us to make a religious observance of the birthday of Christ.  Hence, to attempt such is to go beyond the limits of divine authority.

- by Paul C. Keller

Where Did Christmas Originate & Who Authorized It?

To answer these questions it is necessary to go outside the New Testament.  The Encyclopedia Americana says, "The Christmas celebration was not observed in the first centuries of the church." The Catholic Encyclopedia says, "Christmas was not among the early festivals of the church."

Now notice this:  If we cannot find the Christmas observance in the New Testament, and a secular encyclopedia says that it was not observed in the first centuries of the church, and a religious encyclopedia says that it was nonexistent in the early church, then we must conclude that it did not originate with the apostles.

By whose authority did this December observance originate?  Colliers Encyclopedia tells us that Lyberius, the Bishop of Rome, whom the Catholics regard as one of the early Popes, ordered in 354 A.D. that "December 25th be observed as the birthday of Christ." December 25th had formerly been used by the Romans as a feast day for their Sun-God, Mithra.  The Roman Saturnalia (riotous festival of Saturn) also came at this time.  "The indications are that the church in this way grasped an opportunity to turn the people away from a purely pagan observance of the winter solstice to a day of adoration of Christ the Lord.  Both Saint Cyprian and Saint John Chrysostom allude to this thought in their writings."  (Colliers Encyclopedia)  "December 25th was already a festive day for the sun god, Mithra, and appealed to the Christians as an appropriate day to commemorate the birth of Jesus, the light of the world." (Lincoln Library of Essential Information)

From these statements by reliable sources it is easy to see that the date of Christmas had its origin in a pre-Christian age among the pagans.  It was adopted into a so- called "Christian" holiday by the Roman Catholic Church.  Furthermore, the word "Christmas" is of Catholic origin.  The word is derived from the medieval "Christes Masse," the mass of Christ, which is a corruption of the Lord's Supper.  On December 25th, even until this day, the Catholics hold a special Mass for Christ.  In time, "Christes Masse" came to be shortened to "Christmas."

Christmas, then, had its origin and authority in the Roman Catholic church.

- by David Padfield

Some Facts about Christmas

The word "Christmas" is formed by the combining of the words "Christ" and "mass", thus, "the Mass of Christ.”   The holiday as we know it originated with Roman Catholic ritual, although the ultimate origin of many of the customs of the season is not Catholicism, but. paganism.

No one knows the birth date of Jesus. We do not know it because God did not choose to reveal it. Early writers not only acknowledged ignorance of the date of Christ's birth, but also repudiated the idea of a special observance of his birth.  "As late as 245 A.D. Origen ... repudiated the idea of keeping the birthday of Christ . . . Clement of Alexandria (ca.200 A.D.) mentions several speculations on the date of Christ's birth, and condemns them as superstitious. Some chronologists, he says, alleged the birth to have occurred in the 28th year of Augustus, on 25 Pachon (an Egyptian month); ie., May 20. Others assign it. to 24 or 25 Pharrnuth (April 19 or 20)." (Encyclopedia Brittanica).

A consideration of the facts brings us to these important conclusions concerning the religious observance of Christmas, or any special ceremonies or observances surrounding the birthday of Christ:
1. We do not know the date of Christ's birth. God did not choose to reveal it.
2. The celebration of Jesus' birth did not begin until several hundred years after the beginning of the church.
3. The special religious observance of Christ's birth is the combination of Roman Catholic and pagan traditions and rituals.
4. The Bible says nothing about such an observance, and it IS therefore unscriptural.

All that we do, in word or deed, is to be done "in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ" (CoI.3:17).  "Whatsoever is not of faith is sin" (Rom.14:23). "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God" (Rom.l0:17). Regardless of piety or sincerity involved, activities such as religious observance of Christmas or Easter are not authorized by God's word, and therefore are not pleasing to the Lord.

- by Tom Moody


Tuesday, December 20, 2022

The Greek word for "bondage" in 1 Cor. 7:15

Jesus’ Law on Marriage

We conclude our study of divorce and remarriage with this final false doctrine:

6) BASED UPON 1 COR. 7:15, IF A BELIEVER IS DESERTED BY AN UNBELIEVING MATE, THE BELIEVER IS FREE TO REMARRY.  The verse reads, “But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases, but God hath called us to peace.”  It is argued that Paul is stating further revelation on the subject of divorce and remarriage, and here gives an additional exception to the one mentioned in Matt. 19:9

We agree that the apostles, through the Holy Spirit, revealed many things that Jesus had not previously made known (exactly as promised in John 16:12,13).  But nothing revealed to the apostles by the Spirit could be at contradiction with what Jesus personally taught.  Jesus taught there was only one exception for divorce and remarriage.  If Paul’s statement means that there are really two exceptions, then we have a contradiction.

Actually, the Greek word for “bondage” in 1 Cor. 7:15, though found 133 times in the New Testament, is never used with reference to the marriage bond.  A different word is used of the marriage bond (see 1 Cor. 7:27,19)  The “bondage” referred to in 7:15 has to do with the obligations of a Christian to his/her mate.  If that unbelieving mate chooses to leave, the Christian is unable to perform those obligations, but in such cases he/she is “not under bondage” to do the impossible.

The Lord’s teaching on divorce and remarriage is plain.  Let us have the faith and determination to apply it fairly in every situation.

- by Greg Gwin


Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Can divorced people go to heaven?

Jesus’ Law on Marriage

Here is yet another erroneous view on the subject of divorce and remarriage:


Those who teach this view maintain that if the marriage is broken then neither party is bound, and so both may remarry. They fail to realize that a God approved marriage is more than a civil contract. Two people, in marriage, are bound to each other, and at the same time bound to the law of God. A marriage may be broken by divorce, but the two people involved, although no longer married, are still bound by the law of God. Whether either can marry again depends on whether or not God gives that right. (Review our earlier article on the difference between "married" and "bound", especially in Rom. 7:2,3 and 1 Cor. 7:10,11.)

A more technical attempt to defend this position involves an argument on Matt. 5:32 and 19:9. These folks want us to believe that the only remarriage that Jesus was forbidding was that of a person who was put away for some reason other than fornication. In other words, they would have the verses to read: "Whosoever shall put away his wife for fornication and shall marry another does not commit adultery; and whoso marrieth her which is put away for fornication does not commit adultery". The obvious flaw here is that such a twisted interpretation has the direct result of rewarding the fornicator for his/her sin. Actually, the verses teach that God does not allow any "put away" person to remarry.

- by Greg Gwin


Friday, December 9, 2022

Bible study on marriage divorce and remarriage

Jesus’ Law on Marriage

Our study of false doctrines concerning divorce and remarriage continues:


Those who hold to this view argue that Christ is, indeed, King over His kingdom, but those outside the kingdom are not subject to the laws of the king. These folks maintain that the only sin of the non-Christian is the sin of unbelief.


Actually, Christ has all authority “in heaven and earth” (Matthew 28:18), and all flesh is under his authority (John 17:2). This means that every man and woman must comply with His law in every regard, including His law on marriage. To prove this is so, consider 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. There Paul lists a whole group of sinners who "shall not inherit the kingdom of God". In the list are idolaters, drunkards, thieves ... and adulterers. Now note that Paul says "such were some of you: but ye are washed ... " Obviously, then, even when they were alien sinners, these people were held accountable for the sins they committed in violation of the law of God, including violation of His marriage law.

We should also notice that the very statement of Jesus' marriage law in Matthew 19:9 says "whosoever shall put away his wife..." - indicating that the restrictions stated there apply to all mankind.

This is yet another of the many false doctrines being taught in an effort to justify unscriptural divorce and remarriage.

- by Greg Gwin


Sunday, December 4, 2022

Sermon illustrations for John 3:16

To Find a Wife

Soren Kierkegaard, the great Danish theologian of another century, tells a
story of a prince who wanted to find a maiden suitable to be his queen. One
day while running an errand in the local village for his father, he passed
through a poor section. As he glanced out the windows of the carriage, his
eyes fell upon a beautiful peasant maiden. During the ensuing days he often
passed by the young lady and soon fell in love.

But he had a problem. How would he seek her hand?

He could order her to marry him. But even a prince wants his bride to marry
him freely and voluntarily and not through coercion.

He could put on his most splendid uniform and drive up to her front door in
a carriage drawn by six horses. But if he did this he would never be
certain that the maiden loved him or was simply overwhelmed with all of the

The prince came up with another solution. He would give up his kingly robe.
He moved into the village, entering not with a crown but in the garb of a
peasant. He lived among the people, shared their interests and concerns,
and spoke their language.

In time the maiden grew to love him for who he was and because he had first
loved her. *

Kierkegaard's story illustrates how God "wins" our love.

It is truly incredible to consider that our great holy, powerful, and
majestic God desires to have a relationship with us. Even though we make
bad choices and even rebel against Him, He loves us and wants us to be
reconciled to Him so that He can give us salvation and eternal life.

How does an infinite God communicate with finite man in a way that His love
and His will can be clearly understood?

God sent His Son into the world so that we can know God (John 14:9) and
understand how much He loves us (John 3:16). "The Word became flesh and
made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One
and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth" (John 1:14).
Jesus "pitched His tent" among us. He shared our interests and concerns,
endured our temptations (Hebrew 4:15), and spoke our language. He showed us
the glory and glorious love of God. He also showed us the way to God and
eternal life.

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the
Father except through Me" (John 14:6).

When we truly understand who Jesus is and what He has done for us, we will
love Him and desire to follow Him.

God will save and give eternal life to those who place their faith and trust
in Jesus (Acts 16:30-31), turn from their sins in repentance (Acts
17:30-31), confess Jesus before men (Romans 10:9-10), and are baptized
(immersed) into Christ for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38). He will
continue to cleanse from sin those who continue to walk in the light of His
Word (1 John 1:7-9).

"We love Him because He first loved us" (1 John 4:19). Take a good,
thorough look at Jesus. You will see what God is like and how much He loves
you. When you do, you will gladly submit your life to Him.

-- David A. Sargent

* From "A Prince Who Wanted To Find A Wife," an illustration of
"incarnation" from Salt for Sermons,

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