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Friday, December 4, 2009

No heat coming from furnace

Fixing the Problem
For the past several weeks I have been sitting at work in a cold office.  The heater worked well last winter and I could not figure out why it would not work at all this winter.  I set the thermostat high and every morning walk into my office hoping that it has kicked on.  Sadly, it never has.  When Joe Watson came in today to look at why our heater was not working, it took him all of about five seconds to discover we had the vent turned off.  That's right, turned off. I don't remember ever turning it off, but it probably would not have hurt to look. This is not one of my most brilliant moments (sadly it has lasted about a month).  In fact I am sure no one reading this article will be too impressed with my great intellect. Actually, I am trying to figure out why I have decided to share this story with you all.  I guess because there is a lesson to be learned from this not so brilliant report.  See, it did me no good to simply have a heater in my office.  If I do not turn it on then it is just a waist of money and space.  I can hope for it to have a good effect and warm my freezing fingers but as long as it remains turned of it remains useless. My brain laps caused some uncomfortable mornings in the office and a little embarrassment; however, there are millions who make a similar mistake with much graver consequences. Most families in this country own a Bible.  They expect it to have a good result in their lives.  Sadly, that Bible stays closed too often.  It is foolish to leave a Bible unread and unstudied.  The Bible has information that can see us through this life and lead us into the next.  The Bible possesses the message that can save the souls of mankind. Yet if unread it is useless. I suppose that I am not the only one that should be embarrassed. This embarrassment does not have to last forever; my office is now warm and comfortable.  As silly as it was for me to sit in a cold office with the heater turned off it would have been much for foolish for me to remain in that condition after it was brought to my attention.  If your Bible has not been read and studied; don't be foolish but fix the problem. 
--Garrett Bookout


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