When a soul is baptized into Christ for the remission of sins (Ax 2:38), it is at that point that one becomes "saved" because it is at that point one's past sins are remitted. When a soul is saved, God adds that soul to His church (Ax 2:47 - KJV).
It is important to understand that if you have complied with the Bible requirements for the forgiveness of sins, God did NOT add you to any church that was founded by man, and that is organized and operated by the ideas and precepts of man (cf. Matt. 15:9).
This one church of the Bible is unique in that it cannot be changed, modified, or altered and still be the Lord's church. When Jesus built His church, He built it "perfectly." To add to it, or subtract from it, or change it in any way simply mars the perfection making it impossible of being the Lord's church. The church that will be saved is the church that follows the pattern of God's Word because a church that does not follow God's word does not belong to the Lord. A church that does not follow God's Word, does not follow God!
Jesus Himself says, "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of Heaven, only he who does the will of My Father" (Matt. 7:21). That is, there will be many on Judgment Day who have called Jesus Lord, yet will not be saved.
Who could Jesus possibly be talking about? He is not talking about the Muslims, they don't even believe in Him. He is not talking about Buddhists, or Hindus, as they don't even call Him Lord. He is not talking about Mormons or the Jehovah Witnesses as they don't believe that Jesus is the Son of God! He is not talking about atheists, as they don't believe in Him.
Still, Jesus said many would call Him Lord on Judgment Day, and even bring up the many good works they did in this life, all in His name! Yet, they will not enter Heaven (Matt. 7:21-23).
Who is He referring too? Just look around you; check out the yellow pages in your phone book and notice all the DIFFERENT organizations that refer to themselves as a "church." They all call Jesus Lord, but they are so far removed from God's Word, that they cannot be called the Lord's church. Emphasis is being placed on attendance with little attention to genuine discipleship. Entertainment, comfort, convenience, and prosperity is the major drawing power rather than the Cross of Christ (cf. John 12:32).
Yes, they still call Jesus "Lord, Lord," and do many "wonderful works" all in His Name, but they are lost because Jesus Himself says, "Only those who do the will of My Father will enter into Heaven" (Matt. 7:21).
Stay Hungry (Matt. 5:6)
Toby Miller
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