Many know that Psalm 119 is the greatest, inspired tribute to the Word of God known to man. 176 verses, eight verses under the heading of every Hebrew letter, grace these pages of our Bibles. All but a few verses mention some synonym for God's Word. So many individual studies can be made of themes and thrusts in Psalm 119, but by reading it one discovers David giving many benefits or needs for studying the Bible. Consider what is no doubt an inexhaustible study.
--To keep from sinning against God (11)
--I am a stranger in the earth (19)
--The influential can be against us at times (23)
--Our soul often melts from heaviness (28)
--To keep our eyes from worthless things (37)
--To have an answer for him who reproaches us (42)
--It causes hope (49)
--For comfort in affliction (50, 76)
--It causes righteous indignation (53)
--It leads us to seek God's favor with our whole heart (58)
--It makes us choose better companions (63)
--It brings good judgment and knowledge (66)
--It prevents apostasy (67)
--It makes us more attractive to the God-fearing (74)
--That I may live (77, 93, etc.)
--For revival (88)
--For greater understanding (99)
--To be upheld and safe (117)
--To have a proper sense of self (125)
--For a proper sense of values (128)
--For proper emotional investment (136)
--For righteous zeal (139)
--For a proper sense of dependency (147)
--It brings confidence (152)
--It gives us the proper sentiment toward the world (158)
--To develop a proper "praise life" (164)
--To keep from sinning against God (11)
--I am a stranger in the earth (19)
--The influential can be against us at times (23)
--Our soul often melts from heaviness (28)
--To keep our eyes from worthless things (37)
--To have an answer for him who reproaches us (42)
--It causes hope (49)
--For comfort in affliction (50, 76)
--It causes righteous indignation (53)
--It leads us to seek God's favor with our whole heart (58)
--It makes us choose better companions (63)
--It brings good judgment and knowledge (66)
--It prevents apostasy (67)
--It makes us more attractive to the God-fearing (74)
--That I may live (77, 93, etc.)
--For revival (88)
--For greater understanding (99)
--To be upheld and safe (117)
--To have a proper sense of self (125)
--For a proper sense of values (128)
--For proper emotional investment (136)
--For righteous zeal (139)
--For a proper sense of dependency (147)
--It brings confidence (152)
--It gives us the proper sentiment toward the world (158)
--To develop a proper "praise life" (164)
--Neal Pollard
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