In the single chapter Book of Jude, verse 21, Jude issues this admonition: "Keep yourselves in the love of God." This admonition is to those who have been immersed (baptized) into Christ, because that is where God's eternal love is (Romans 8:39). One cannot keep himself in the love of God until he first gets into the love of God.
Paul wrote this same warning in Phil. 2:12, "Save yourselves..." and the very first Gospel sermon contained the admonition to, "Save yourselves..." (Acts 2:40).
In Jude verse 6, we learn that certain angels "kept not their own domain." These angels had a responsibility to remain in a particular domain, but didn't. Therefore, they were cast out to wait judgment of the eternal fire (Jude 7).
As Christians, we have an individual responsibility to remain in a certain "domain" in order to be recipients of God's "keeping Grace" -- and that domain is "in Christ."
In Acts 27, Paul, along with 275 other men were sailing toward Rome. They ran into rough seas and feared for their lives. Paul told all aboard that God had provided "safety through the storm and none would be lost" (Acts 27:24). But, the condition of their safety was that they had to "remain in the ship" (Acts 27:31).
God has provided us safety through the storm of life, but the condition is that we must "keep ourselves in Christ," for He is the anchor of our soul (Hebrews 6:19).
Paul told Timothy that IF he would continue in sound doctrine, he would save himself and those who heard him (1Tim. 4:16).
As a preacher, I must constantly emphasize the responsibility that each of us has in our own salvation. That is, God has the power (Psalm 62:11); God has the desire to save your soul (2Peter 3:9); however, we have an obligation to fulfill in order for Him to do that. That obligation is to abide in, and remain faithful to, Jesus Christ.
We get into Christ (Galatians 3:27), where salvation is (2Tim. 2:10), after our love for God causes us to do those things necessary to be baptized into Christ (belief, confession, repentance).
We "remain" in Christ by keeping His commandments. Jesus said, " If your keep My commandments, your shall abide in My love" (John 15:10). Again, Jesus says, "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments" (John 14:15). If we do not love Jesus (which is demonstrated by not keeping His commandments), then we are "cursed of God" (1Corinthians 16:22). No one who is "cursed of God" will be saved. Jesus says, "Only those who do the will of My father will go to Heaven" (Matthew 7:21).
The Bible clearly teaches we have an individual responsibility toward our own salvation. Are you "keeping yourself in the love of God?"
- - Toby Miller
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