We have a couple of old sayings in America, "The best things in life are free." Another is, "You don't get anything for nothing." While these sayings seem contradictory, they are certainly true when it comes to salvation.
Paul speaks of "justification" and "life" as the free gift of God (Rom. 5:15-18). Salvation is offered only as God's free gift to undeserving man. The last invitation in the Bible is our risen Savior's appeal, "Let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will let him take the water of life freely" (Revelation 22:17).
This is obviously difficult for many to understand, as there are countless "church-goers" who are thinking they can earn salvation by living a good life, generous giving, and their general attention to "religion." All who propose to bargain for salvation in such a way will be sadly disappointed, for God's salvation is not for sale!
While salvation is offered as a free gift, there is nothing in the universe that has cost so much in order that this free gift become available to all mankind.
It cost the WORD, who from the unbegun beginning was God, the humiliating exile from the throne room of the universe to renounce the glory and majesty that was His in order to empty Himself and become fashioned as a man (Phil. 2:5-11).
It cost the Father the sacrifice of His only begotten Son, in whom He was well pleased. The Heavenly Father had to watch His perfect, sinless Son suffer shame, humiliation, and death in order to make available the "free" gift of salvation.
It cost Jesus to plunge His soul into spiritual desolation to the point of drawing from Him the anguish cry: "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" (Matt. 27:46).
It cost, and continues to cost, the Holy Spirit an age-long ministry of patiently pleading for the stubborn hearts of sinful men to obey God's Word (cf. John 16:8).
Salvation is God's gift, offered free to us spiritual paupers. However, acceptance of the gift is by no means free. In fact, it's excessively expensive!
One cannot accept Christ and His salvation on any lesser terms than the complete surrender of self to Him. Paul said, "I am crucified with Christ," (Galatians 2:20). "I count all things but loss" for the priceless privilege of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord (Phil. 3:8).
Preachers have confused this issue with pulpit appeals such as: "You've accepted Christ as Savior, but have you made Him Lord of your life?" However, no one can accept Christ as their Savior without making Him Lord of their life!
Dr. Paul Calvin Payne said, "The church today is paralyzed because we have committed the blasphemy of insisting that what was so costly for God shall come so cheap for us!"
Luke 14, as part of the Gospel, is virtually ignored in this day of "easy discipleship." Take a moment to read Luke 14:33 for yourself.
Our "consumer mind-set" has programmed us to expect bargain-basement deals and discounts. There are no deals or discounts when it comes to salvation. You either "take up your cross daily and follow after Him" (Luke 9:23), or you don't. Jesus is either your Master, or He isn't (Matt. 6:24). You are either saved or lost. Stay Hungry (Matt. 5:6) - - Toby Miller
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