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Monday, June 14, 2010

This Old House


                    "For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle

                     were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not

                        made with hands, eternal in the heavens." 2Cor. 5:1

The other day I was listening to some of my "old" country music (and I have to 'fess up that I prefer it to the "new" country music) when an old song came forth from the speakers that caused me to think and that thinking resulted in this editorial. I'm going to talk for a few minutes about "houses" as they relate to our physical "house," the body, because my inspiration was the song "This Old House" written by Stuart Hamblen and sung by just about everyone at one time or another.

And, as I usually do, I found some interesting sidelights surrounding this song and writer. As famous and much-performed as this song was, Stuart had another one that is probably even more famous and is very unique in the music world. This more well-known song is entitled "It Is No Secret What God Can Do."

What makes it unique is, that it was what is referred to in the music business as being a "triple-crossover." What that means is that it reached #1 on the Country chart, #1 on the Gospel chart and #1 on the Pop Ballad chart - all at the same time. You might also be interested to know that Stuart was inspired to write it because of something his friend said to him. That friend was John Wayne.

Anyway, I got to thinking about "my house" as I listened to the words of "This Old House" and I had no trouble relating it to the condition of the "house" pictured in the song. The "house" in Stuart's song was getting pretty run down and in need of repairs. My "house" can certainly relate to that at times. It most assuredly is not in the shape it once was and no doubt ever will be again.

But, what I'm more concerned with as regards my "house" is not the "exterior," but the shape of the "interior." You see, it's the "interior" of our "houses" that relate to the parable told by Jesus about the two "houses." (Mt. 7:24-27) It's the base upon which our "house" is built that determines the shape of the "interior" and it's the "interior" that determines the strength of our "house."

In thinking about the interior of my "house" I'm reminded of something I once read about one of our country's forefathers, John Quincy Adams, who made this reply when asked by a friend, "How are you?" It's said that he very slowly turned towards his friend and replied, "Fine, sir, fine! But this old tenement that John Quincy lives in is not so good. The underpinning is about to fall away. The thatch is all gone off the roof, and the windows are so dim John Quincy can hardly see out anymore. As a matter of fact, it wouldn't surprise me if before the winter's over he had to move out. But, as for John Quincy Adams, he never was better...never was better."

I don't think my "tenement" has reached the shape of John Q's, except for the "thatch," but the point is that his "interior" he believed was in fine shape. I believe that my "house" is built on the one foundation that allows me to concur and say amen to John Q. Adam's assessment of his "house."

Of all the passages in the Bible that relate to our physical bodies as "houses" I like best the one found in 2Cor. 5:1 where we can read that, at some point in time, our "earthly house of this tabernacle" will be "dissolved." I like that rendition, that portrayal, don't you? And when that "dissolving" occurs, if I've been faithful to Jesus Christ, the foundation upon which my "house" is built, then I'll receive a new "house." One "not made with hands, eternal in the heavens."

Yes, someday I (and you) won't "need this house no longer." Won't "need this house no more." Won't be any time left to "fix the shingles, fix the floor nor oil the hinges." We won't even get to "mend the window frame." The exterior of our old house will just be "all tuckered out." But, if the "interior" of our "house" is in fine order, then we'll be "ready to meet the Saints."

We'll move into a new "house" that's not affected by time because it's an "eternal" structure. There will never be a need or a reason for repairs to it. It'll last forever. Let's all of us do our best to be faithful to the Gospel of Christ because that is the only way that we'll ever be able to take occupancy of that "house" that's not "dissolvable."

Ron Covey

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