We are all familiar with the untouchable classic hymn, "The Old Rugged Cross." When my wife and I lived and worked in England, several Christians would go down to the busy town square in Birmingham on Saturday afternoons and sing hymns for a couple of hours. Others handed out tracts to those passing by.
The majority would simply look at us and walk on by, until we began singing "The Old Rugged Cross." Many would stop and listen to all four verses.
There is something about that "Old Rugged Cross," that touches our deepest emotions. Why is that? Is it because when we come face to face with the Cross, we see ourselves as we really are? While many are good at putting on new veneer everyday, the Cross peels it away and exposes us for what we really are, sinners in need of loving forgiveness.
You may keep your mind occupied in many different ways and never give the Cross a second thought. You may be like the majority who enjoys looking at the "babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and laying in a manger," but when it comes to looking at the Cross, well, they would rather stand back and look at it from a distance. You can get away with that, but only for a little while. There will come a day when you will be forced to consider the One who hung on that "Old Rugged Cross." Will it be too late? Will the door already be shut? (Matthew 25:10-12).
Even though Jesus said the majority would follow the broad path that leads to destruction, why don't you determine to be one of the "few" who finds and follows the narrow path that leads to life eternal (Matthew 7:13-14). The first step is looking long and hard at "The Old Rugged Cross." Does it have your name on it? (Psalm 69:28; Revelation 20:15).
--Toby Miller
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