DR. PEDRO ARA Sarria perfected a technique for preserving the body and applied it to Argentina's Eva Peron...
The embalmed body was kept intact but, for political reasons, was moved from place to place. It went from his laboratory in Buenos Aries to a military camp, to a dusty storeroom in Bonn, Germany, to a secret grave in Milan, Italy, to an attic in Madrid, back to a chapel in Argentina, and finally to a family tomb.
What happens to our bodies after we die may not be very important. What happens to the spirit is very important. Whether our bodies are buried, cremated, lost in an explosion, or buried at sea, it makes no difference. The real concern is that the soul be at home with God.
"And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt" (Daniel 12:2).
--Mike Benson
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