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Monday, June 14, 2010

Jesus used the Bible!


            One might think that while Jesus was on earth, being the Son of God, He would have very little use for the Scriptures. But a simple glimpse at His life and ministry reveals just the opposite. On every hand we find Him quoting Scripture or alluding to its content in His teaching, and personally submitting His life to the authority of the Scriptures. Whether He was struggling with Satan in temptation (Luke 4:1-13), teaching crowds by the sea shore (Luke 5:1-11), or instructing His disciples on a hillside (Matthew chapters 5, 6 & 7), Jesus' words were always punctuated with citations from the Scriptures.

            They were on His lips in prayer, and even in His sufferings. His mind was so saturated with the words of Scripture that He used them to express His own feelings.  The anguish of David centuries earlier became the expression of His own agony as He cried from the cross, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"  (Matthew 27:46).  Even His last words while on the cross was a quote from Psalm 31:5, "Into Thy hands I commit My Spirit" (Luke 23:46).

            Furthermore, Jesus totally submitted His life to the authority of the Scriptures. Why didn't He ask to be rescued from the cross?  "How then shall the Scriptures be fulfilled?" (Matthew 26:53-54).  He said He "must go to Jerusalem and be classed among criminals because "that which is written must be fulfilled" (Luke 18:31-33;  22:37).

            Jesus' view of the Scriptures is very different from that of the majority of the modern world. As Jesus became obedient unto His Heavenly Father's will, even unto death on the cross (Philippians 2:8), we who desire to "walk in His footsteps,"  must strive to follow the example He has given us. (1Peter 2:21).  The secular world will "snicker," ridicule, insult, and even "hate us," but that's OK, because in John 15:18, Jesus said it would be this way. (Another fulfillment of Scripture).

            Remember, there has never been a more truthful, loving preacher than Jesus – and they still nailed Him to a cross. "A servant is not greater than his Master" (John 13:16).  


--Toby Miller

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