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Sunday, May 9, 2010


  In Jeremiah 3:14, we read, "Turn O backsliding children, saith the Lord, for I am married unto you..."  This verse teaches us that the physical nation of Israel was spiritually married to God. Furthermore, it was the OT Law that was the "marriage contract" between God and His people. In the NT, Paul affirms that the physical Jews were at one time spiritually married to God. However, while married, Israel had forgotten her vows and obligations, thus committing spiritual adultery. "Thou has forsaken Me" (Jer. 2:13).  Even the preachers in God's Israel were preaching falsehood! (Jer. 23:13-16).  As a result, God divorced them and refused to take them back. He even told Jeremiah, "Don't even pray for these people, for I will not hear thee!" (Jer. 7:16).
    In Romans 7:4, we learn that since "God" died [in the form of Jesus], the Jews were freed from their first marriage covenant so they could marry again.  When Christ died on the Cross, the OL died with Him (Colossians 2:14).
    In 2 Corinthians 11:2, we read, "For I have espoused you to one husband that I may present you as a pure virgin to Christ."  How did Paul present them as a pure virgin to Christ? By adorning them in "sound doctrine." We are told, "Adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things" (Titus 2:10).  Without the adornment of the doctrine of Christ, man does not have God with him (2John 9).
  Today, I fear the "Bride's attire" is being forgotten. Paul warned, "The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine..." (2Timothy 4:3).
    Glamorous preachers with smooth tongues may recite cute nursery rhymes, bedtime stories, quote poems, give dissertations on philosophy, and shallow sermonettes, but those things won't convict anyone of sin or solidly convert him to Jesus Christ.  Today, as always, there is a need for preaching sound doctrine - - the plain, positive, old Jerusalem Gospel that brings about conviction to those who will hear it.  Think of the consequences if Peter had preached a nicely polished, generalized sermonette on the day of Pentecost rather than telling the people they were guilty of crucifying the Son of God (Ax 2:23).  A tragedy today is that many good and honest people are not being told what they must do to be saved, and being misinformed, they are never married to Christ.
    God was greatly concerned when Israel forgot the Bride's Attire (sound doctrine), and He charged the priests and prophets with spiritual adultery, with walking in lies, and compromising His word! (Jeremiah 23).  Do you think God's attitude has changed when modern preachers do the same thing?  Or, do you believe "our God changeth not" (Malachi 3:6).
    When one adorns himself with the doctrine of Christ, the sincere penitent believer surrenders his life to Christ, to love, honor, and obey throughout this life. In order to adorn one's self in the doctrine of Christ, he must first know the doctrine of Christ.  Study your Bible.
- -  Toby Miller

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