"Possible New Human Ancestor Found in Siberia." This was the title of an article I read about a month ago. As usual, they claim this is "a new and unknown type of pre-human that lived alongside modern humans and Neanderthals" (See Full Article Here). What always gets me with these "findings," is how they can develop entire pictures, dates, stories, and conclusions about this "ancestor" with a very small amount of evidence. In this case, they are basing all of this on some genetic material pulled off a pinky finger bone. Through some type of testing, they concluded this was probably some sort evolutionary ancestor. They have given it the name "Woman X."
I think it is awfully interesting how final and absolute these articles make their findings sound. However, when they are disproven, why do we rarely hear that they were mistaken? In fact, they usually remain in museums and are taught as fact. Unfortunately, there is an evolutionary bias that shines a positive light on evolution, and tries to hide anything that may be opposed to it.
I would like to remind everyone that not one single transition bone has ever been found. Not even one. If we truly evolved over a period of billions of years, and there were many different "in-between" stages in our development, then why have scientists never been able to find any of these "in-between" fossils? We have many fossils of dinosaurs and other creatures that supposedly lived before humans, so obviously these "missing links" did not just disintegrate or disappear with time. So then where are they? If we truly follow the evidence, the reason no transitional fossils have been found is simply because there are not any.
There have been countless claims about finding the "missing link" or the "human ancestor." However, every one of them has been identified as either a human, an ape, or a fake. All of the previous missing links such as Lucy, Neanderthal Man, Nebraska Man, Piltdown Man, Java Man, Rhodesian Man, etc, were claimed as missing links. Every single one of these was eventually identified as a human, an ape, or a fake combination (Brad Harrub and Burt Thompson, The Truth About Human Origins). While this newest "ancestor" has not been disproved yet, consistency tells us that it is only a matter of time before it will be.
The Lord has very clearly told us how everything came into existence (Genesis 1-2). There is overwhelming evidence not only to support God's existence, but that this earth was created by Him. God has not hidden this fact from us, but is "clearly seen" by those who are honestly looking (Romans 1:19-21). No matter what evidence appears against the Lord, let's never lose heart. True science always agrees with God and the Bible.
I think it is awfully interesting how final and absolute these articles make their findings sound. However, when they are disproven, why do we rarely hear that they were mistaken? In fact, they usually remain in museums and are taught as fact. Unfortunately, there is an evolutionary bias that shines a positive light on evolution, and tries to hide anything that may be opposed to it.
I would like to remind everyone that not one single transition bone has ever been found. Not even one. If we truly evolved over a period of billions of years, and there were many different "in-between" stages in our development, then why have scientists never been able to find any of these "in-between" fossils? We have many fossils of dinosaurs and other creatures that supposedly lived before humans, so obviously these "missing links" did not just disintegrate or disappear with time. So then where are they? If we truly follow the evidence, the reason no transitional fossils have been found is simply because there are not any.
There have been countless claims about finding the "missing link" or the "human ancestor." However, every one of them has been identified as either a human, an ape, or a fake. All of the previous missing links such as Lucy, Neanderthal Man, Nebraska Man, Piltdown Man, Java Man, Rhodesian Man, etc, were claimed as missing links. Every single one of these was eventually identified as a human, an ape, or a fake combination (Brad Harrub and Burt Thompson, The Truth About Human Origins). While this newest "ancestor" has not been disproved yet, consistency tells us that it is only a matter of time before it will be.
The Lord has very clearly told us how everything came into existence (Genesis 1-2). There is overwhelming evidence not only to support God's existence, but that this earth was created by Him. God has not hidden this fact from us, but is "clearly seen" by those who are honestly looking (Romans 1:19-21). No matter what evidence appears against the Lord, let's never lose heart. True science always agrees with God and the Bible.
Brett Petrillo
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