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Monday, May 10, 2010

Doctrine simply means teaching.


This Saturday (May 15th), I'll be speaking on a Lectureship at the church in Defiance, Ohio on the assigned subject: "Doctrine, Does It Matter?"

            Doctrine simply means "teaching." When Jesus said in John 7:16, "My doctrine is not Mine, but His who sent Me," He was referring to His teaching. That is, His teaching / doctrine was God's doctrine.

            In John 14:26, and 16:13, Jesus told His disciples that He would send the Holy Spirit upon them, and the Holy Spirit would inspire them to teach only what He taught – which was God's doctrine. This means that whether Jesus Himself taught it, or the inspired apostles taught it, each word had its origin from the mind of God the Father.

            In John 7:16, Jesus said, "My doctrine…"  Please note that the word "doctrine" is singular. Therefore, God did not have Jesus and the apostles teach different conflicting doctrines. When we find various conflicting "church doctrines" today, be assured they are not God's doctrines, for God cannot contradict Himself.

            There is only ONE way to know we have the absolute truth that God intended us to have and that is to interpret every verse so that it harmonizes with every other verse. When we do this, we have a beautiful melody like that which the angels sang at the birth of our Lord.

            Problem is, the majority of religious people simply shop around through the smorgasbord of religion and put only those things on their plate that suits their life-style, then erroneously refer to themselves as "Christians."  True Bible doctrine is not about what we "like" or "dislike." It is about what God says is necessary for us to do that will allow Him to save us through the blood of Christ.

            Since God "never changes" (Malachi 3:6), and Jesus "is the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Hebrews 13:8), and since there is "no variation, not even a shadow of turning with God" (James 1:17b), then whatever Jesus taught in the first century is the same that He teaches in the 21st century, because He never changes!  If Jesus condemned adultery in the 1st century, He condemns it today, because He never changes; if He condemned false religions in the 1st century, He condemns it today, because He never changes. Jesus had only ONE doctrine in the 1st century, so He has only ONE today, because He never changes.

            Jesus established only one church in the 1st century, so He has only one church today, because He never changes. The one church of Jesus Christ is not governed by 400+ doctrines that we see in modern denominationalism today.  Each individual denominational church is governed by a different doctrine that sets them apart from every other denominational church. Yet all these different churches that teach different doctrines, claim to be a part of the one church that is governed by the one doctrine that Jesus taught!  That is a lie propagated by the "father of all liars" (John 8:44).

            Reading through the NT, we read of the "doctrine of Christ" (2John 9);  the "doctrine of Balaam" and "doctrine of the Nicolaitans" (Rev. 2:14-15). We read of the "doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees" (Matt. 16:12; "doctrines of demons" (1Tim. 4:1); "various and strange doctrines;" "destructive doctrines" (2Peter 2:1); and "the doctrines of men" (Colossians 2:22). While most would not purposely follow "doctrines of demons," they are easily persuaded to blindly follow the "doctrines of men," both of which are condemned.

            Does doctrine matter?  The answer is either "Yes" or "No." It cannot be: "It kind of matters," or "It matters some of the time." The answer is either "Yes it does matter," or  "No it does not matter."

            Men try to change the doctrine of Christ to adjust to our changing society. God is NOT adjustable!  On the Great Judgment Day, Methodist will not be judged according to Methodist doctrine; Baptist will not be judged by Baptist doctrine; Catholics will not be judged by Catholic doctrine; Pentecostals will not be judged by Pentecostal doctrine, etc.  All the world will be judged by the "Doctrine of Christ" (John 12:48). We must love it – believe it – and obey it.

- - Toby Miller

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