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Monday, May 31, 2010

parable of ten virgins


            Wouldn't you like to have revealed to you certain things that have been kept secret since the beginning of the world? You can!  All you need to do is study and rightly divide the parables of our Lord. In Matthew 13:35, a quoted prophecy says about Jesus, "I will open My mouth in parables; I will utter things kept secret from the foundation of the world." 

            One such parable that is as relevant as tomorrows newspaper, is found in Matthew 25:1-13. This is a parable about ten virgins. By "virgins," it is referring to religious people who are looking to Jesus for salvation in the same principle as Matthew 7:22.  Paul refers to the Lord's church as being made up of "virgins" in 2Corinthians 11:2. By "virgins" he means those who have been born again (John 3:3-5), and have been cleansed from all past sins by the blood of Christ.

            This makes the parable of the "Ten Virgins" disturbing. While all were "virgins," half of them were unable to enter in and be with the Bridegroom. All ten were waiting with great anticipation, but only five were able to enter in. All ten had made preparation to meet the Bridegroom, but only five had made enough preparation. Those who had done all they could do to prepare for the "coming," are called "wise." Those who did too little are called "foolish."

            Many today in denominationalism and other religious organizations, think there is nothing to do toward our salvation. They are wrong.  This parable emphatically teaches we must be "prepared" for the coming of the Bridegroom, our Lord. The New Testament teaches us "how" to prepare.

            Jesus did not tell this parabolic truth to try and scare us - - though some need to be scared by it. He is teaching that we need to be FULLY prepared, because "we knoweth not when the Bridegroom shall come."

            If you could read the obituaries this morning from every newspaper in the world, how many hundreds of thousands of souls do you suppose went into eternity yesterday?  How about in just the past hour?

            When it comes to paying attention to spiritual things, most will procrastinate. That is why well known authors, such as Hal Lindsey, and many others, can get rich by predicting the second coming of Christ. Hal Lindsey predicted Christ's return to take place in 1988. Millions gobbled-up his book because people want to pinpoint the return of the Bridegroom. Why? Because if they learn that Jesus is returning on Sunday morning, they'll wait till Saturday night to "repent and be baptized" (Acts 2:38).

            The Bible teaches that we must not put off till tomorrow what we know we should do today, because our life is but a vapor, here for moment, then it vanishes away (James 4:14). "Behold, now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation" (2Corinthians 6:2b).

            The "five" were not called "foolish" because they were simpletons; they were called foolish because they did not make full preparation to meet the Bridegroom. Even though they had "good intentions;" and even though they were looking forward to His coming, and even though they had made SOME preparation, still, they were shut out because they did not make all the preparations necessary.

            Like many today, they believe and that's it. Some believe and will even confess their belief. Some believe, confess, change their lives, and are even baptized, but there is not enough "oil in their lamp," and they burn out, and therefore cannot "let their light shine" (Matt. 5:16).

            Now, WHY do you suppose Jesus told this parable? What do you think He wants us to learn from it? I'll tell you why; because He doesn't want you to make the same mistake.

            In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus tells another parable about a "wise" man and a "foolish" man. The one was wise because he was building his life on the solid rock foundation of God's Word. The other was foolish because he built his life on a sandy foundation. Both houses looked the same on the outside, but when the "rains" brought judgment upon the houses, the one built on sand collapsed.

            If Jesus was to use you as example today, would He say you are wise?  or  foolish? -- Toby Miller


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