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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Visiting: It’s not just for preachers and elders

V   It verifies the words we speak.  When we tell somebody we care about them, we back that up by showing up in time of need or to lend a hand.  It validates the person, telling them they mean something to somebody else.  It vanquishes barriers.  It is so much easier to get to know a person—to be at ease with them—through the intimate contact a visit provides.

I   Visiting illuminates (Matt. 5:14; cf. John 8:12).  It is a tangible way for us to shine the light.  It also inspires.  It is infectious.  Seeing and hearing about others engaged in visitation will motivate others to do the same.  The more people inspired to visit, the more people visited and the more good done.  It influences people.  It influences non-Christians to study the Bible.  It influences visitors to return.  It influences weak and wayward Christians to come home.

S   Such strengthens others.  The Hebrews writer urges us, "Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees…" (Heb. 12:12).  Visiting does that.  People ready to give up may keep going, simply by a visit you make.  It also saves souls.  Ask those who have obeyed the gospel.  Some of them are in Christ today because someone else took the time to knock on their door, sit on their furniture, and share their lives.  Visiting substantiates.  It is proof of what tangible Christianity involves.

I   This effort improves.  It strengthens the one visiting and the one visited.  It improves the church's image.  It improves congregational morale.  Visitation also initiates friendships.  Finding our common ground with others, as we often do through visiting, has sparked many long-lasting friendships.  Visiting is inclusive.  It lets people "into" our lives.  It tells others we want them to be a part of us.

T   Visiting teaches.  It informs us about other people, but we also learn about ourselves.  We learn how vital visiting is to our own growth and happiness.  It is thrilling.  It truly is usually one of the more enjoyable commands given to us by God.  Rarely will you end a visit feeling down and depressed, but rather uplifted.  It touches others.  It bond us together.  It warms the very heart of God!
Visiting:  It's not just for preachers and elders.  It is needed.  It is enjoyable.  It can touch the eternal
--Neal Pollard

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