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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Exploring And Expressing

Have you watched the Ben Stein movie, Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed?  I don't want to give anything away for those who have not yet gotten in to see it, but I can tell you this.  It has really stirred the ire of those whose faith rests in evolution and who must resist the idea of intelligent design with all their being!  There is even at least one website, entitled "Expelled Exposed" to show how Mr. Stein and his cronies are all wrong and articles suggesting Stein and others mislead scientists appearing in the movie (it is not stated anywhere how they would have responded differently to his questions if they knew his "agenda").  Watching the movie and hearing the criticisms bring a few things to mind.

Experts?  When leaders in the scientific movie who reject the possibility of intelligent design begin to give their theories about the origin of life, it makes you wonder about the depth and breadth of their expertise.  To be so confident in their convictions, what is the foundation?  It is possible to be wise in our own conceit.  Psalm 14:1 says, "the fool" (not the expert) "says in his heart, 'there is no God.'"

Expunged.  It is remarkable how radically and relatively swiftly the pendulum has swung.  Thinking back to the Scopes Trial, society has shifted from not even allowing evolution to be taught in schools to an environment where only such can be presented.  Creationism is gone from the text books and is dominantly eclipsed in the marketplace of ideas in our society, especially in science-related segments of it.

Exciting.  All the furor and derision over this movie betray a great deal of emotion.  If it is poppycock and mythology, why give it the time of day?  According to, the movie was thirteen in total ticket receipts this week and tenth last week.  That is raw dollars spent by ticket buyers (seventy of us bought our tickets for $6 each, a significant discounted rate).  It is only being shown in a fraction of the theatres and limited number of screens even in the theatres where it is being shown, yet it is hanging in there!  Many people are open-minded enough to take a listen.  This may generate opportunities to share the gospel.

I recommend the movie, if you have not yet seen it.  There are a few things that may be less suitable for younger viewers, but overall it sends the right message in a sly way.  Experience this excellent exploration into this most salient of debates.  You'll be glad you did.  Neal Pollard

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