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Monday, September 21, 2009

The Center of the Universe

What IS the center of the Universe?  This question has been debated through the centuries....

In ages past, many ancient Greek philosophers assumed that the Sun, Moon, stars, 
and naked eye planets circled the Earth.  This is known as the geocentric model
the theory that the Earth is the center of the universe and other objects orbit around it.  Belief in this system was common in ancient Greece and was embraced by Aristotle and Ptolemy. The geocentric model was generally accepted into the early modern age.  From from the late 16th century onward it was gradually replaced by another model…

In 1543, Nicolaus Copernicus published his treatise, On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, in which he made the case for the heliocentric model with the Sun at the center of the universe.  His model encountered much opposition initially, but over the next two hundred years, it gradually replaced the geocentric (or Ptolemic) model.  The effect of Copernicus' work has been called "The Copernican Revolution" because it completely changed how the universe is viewed.

Another "Copernican Revolution" is needed...

I must realize that I am not the center of the universe; neither are you.  To think and act like we are the center of the universe – that "everything revolves around me" – is both selfish and sinful, and we are sorely and desperately mistaken.  If we embrace this self-centered view, we are destined for destruction!

God has revealed the Truth of the matter.  I am not the center of the universe.  The SON (yes, S-O-N) is!

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).

Through Jesus we have a revolutionary paradigm shift - from being self-centered to Christ-centered, from sin to deliverance, from condemnation to salvation.  Jesus died on the cross for our sins so that we might have forgiveness, the hope of eternal life, and the correct understanding of the Center of the Universe!

Jesus WILL save those who: believe and trust Him (Acts 16:30-31), turn from their sins in repentance (2 Corinthians 7:9-10), confess Him before men (Romans 10:9-10), and are baptized (immersed) in His name for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38). 

Won't YOU accept the SON as the Center of your universe?

David A. Sargent, Minister

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