The Norwegian explorer, Roald Amundsen, adopted the Eskimo methods of survival and travel. He was said to be a meticulous planner who minimized risks. On December 15, 1911, Amundsen and four fellow countrymen reached the South Pole. They were the first. British Captain Robert Falcon Scott seems to have felt sure he would be the first. But, in addition to leaving the Ross Ice Shelf base camp 12 days after Amundsen, Scott's journey to the pole was much more haphazard than his counterpart's. He and his team took animals and motor sledges that turned out to be more of a burden than a blessing. They did not plan their food and nutrition well. On January 17, 1912, Scott and four comrades reached the pole only to see the Norwegian flag already planted there. They were devastated. And, they were in danger. The weather turned nastier. All five men perished, their bodies, diaries, photographs, and last letters discovered by a search party that November (Forging The Modern Age, 128-129).
It was head start versus haste, preparation against pride. The contrast between the men's methods predicted the outcome. Frankly, Amundsen adequately prepared for the journey and Scott did not. The price for second place was most high.
As we are on a journey to a place infinitely more mystifying and awesome than any point on this globe, we must adequately prepare. What are our choices, methods, and decisions saying about our wisdom and forethought? So many go through this life either disbelieving that eternity lies on the other side of death or live as though they disbelieve. But, we will all reach that point and place of eternity. May we do all we must do to prepare (cf. 2 Cor. 5:10)!
It was head start versus haste, preparation against pride. The contrast between the men's methods predicted the outcome. Frankly, Amundsen adequately prepared for the journey and Scott did not. The price for second place was most high.
As we are on a journey to a place infinitely more mystifying and awesome than any point on this globe, we must adequately prepare. What are our choices, methods, and decisions saying about our wisdom and forethought? So many go through this life either disbelieving that eternity lies on the other side of death or live as though they disbelieve. But, we will all reach that point and place of eternity. May we do all we must do to prepare (cf. 2 Cor. 5:10)!
Neal Pollard
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