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Monday, October 4, 2010

Finding a good church

"THE CHURCH OF _______"

       It is always shocking to see how many different religions and denominations there are out there.  In 2006, there was said to be 216 denominations in American and Canada (2006 Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches).  It is incredibly sad to think about how much religious division there has been in the world.  However, something that is even sadder is when individuals and families further divide themselves from God through worldliness and unrighteousness.  This is talking about the people who simply skip out on church in order to participate in something else.  The title of this article is "The Church of ___________."  That blank spot can be filled in by a variety of answers.
       The Church of Sports This is talking about people who chose not to worship God because of sports. With some this is about playing a sport.  To others, it is just about watching a sport.  What does this say about our priorities when we skip out on worship because of sports?  What message would this send to our children when we allow them to miss worship because of sports? Far too many people are allowing their lives to be dictated by sports.
       The Church of Self.  So many people are centered in on themselves.  They will use selfish excuses to miss worship.  "I'm too tired, I need my rest."  "I just don't feel like going."  Our culture has become incredibly selfish. Unfortunately, people end up putting themselves first, and let God take the back seat.
       The Church of Work.  We live in a society that is fast paced and busy.  Everyone has things to do, places to go, and people to see. The problem is when people chose to let it interfere with their relationship with the Lord.  Many people allow work to take the place of church in their lives.  For this reason, work in some ways becomes their "church."
       There are many other ways we could fill this blank.  Each person has their own daily activities and interests, but it is always a problem when God is shoved to the side to make room for something else.  I cannot imagine what worldly and unspiritual messages are being sent to our young people when the adults are missing worship for sports, self, work, and many other trivial reasons.
       When asked what the greatest commandment was, Jesus responded "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind" (Matthew 22:36).  How can people be following this commandment of sincere devotion to God when so often God is pushed aside for whatever reason? As we continue to go through life, let's make sure we deny the worldliness and unrighteousness that is so greatly emphasized in our culture, and simply focus on what is most important, Christ.
Brett Petrillo

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