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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Go teach and make disciples


    Almost exclusively we have come to depend on the pulpit and church buildings to do our teaching for us. We invite the public to our buildings by billboards, radio, TV, phone calls, newspaper, etc.  We tell them how welcome they are, the preacher is superb, the building is well heated and air conditioned, the seats are cushioned, and yet, they still do not come. So we just sit back and complain, "The Gospel has no appeal to anyone anymore!"  This mind-set has led to offering the public "other things" that will hopefully draw them to our buildings, things that appeal to the "flesh."  We think that if our attendance grows, the Lord's Kingdom is growing. This has led to filling church buildings with half-hearted, entertainment-hungry, carnal-minded people who think they are Christians simply because they "frequent a church building."

            The title "Christian" has become so watered-down in definition by the generic public that many don't have a clue what it really means according to the Bible. Ask people if they are a Christian, and they will say, "Yes."  As them if they are a disciple of Christ, and they will look at you as if to say, "What do you mean?"  Perhaps this is why Jesus did NOT say, "Go therefore and make Christians of all the nations…" Rather, He said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…" (Matthew 28:19). Only disciples can be called genuine Christians (cf. Acts 11:26).

            Let's face it. A preacher, a sermon, and a church building are the hardest products to sell to a sinner. Why should they come when they don't share our love for the church. Even the few that do come are often bored because they don't understand the mystery of salvation in Christ. Still, the Cross of Christ must be the "drawing power" (John 12:32), not some program that appeals to the flesh.

            We need to stop giving priority to "church building evangelism" and go out where the people are and teach them. A person may attend worship services a hundred times and never hear the one sermon that moves him. But when talking with him personally, a Christian can focus on his needs in the first few minutes of discussion.

            Jesus did not say, "Bring them in."  He said, "Go teach and make disciples…" (Matthew 28:19-20;  Mark 16:15-16).  For one who has been truly converted to Christ and becomes a disciple, worship is the natural out-pouring of love and gratitude. I've been told to preach on the importance of "coming to church." I declined, saying that if we can convert them to Christ, they will be at every service.

            Paul said the love of Christ "compelled" him (2Corinthians 5:14). He said that he labored more abundantly than all, yet it wasn't him, but a realization of the grace that God had toward him (1Corinthians 15:9-10). Helping others come to this same realization is the only work you can do in this life that has eternal value.  Don't waste time and money trying to figure out how to entice people to come to church!  Go teach.   


--Toby Miller

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