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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How easy it is to accept immorality


     I was visiting in a house not long ago where the TV was on. I couldn't help but notice how blurry the picture was. Eventually, I asked the couple about it. They gave some excuse and said it had been that way for about two years and they had gotten used to it.

            On my way home, I began to think of all the seemingly "blurry" areas in society that we tolerate just because we have gotten used to them. Over the years, many have become used to the scenery of abortion and just tolerate it. "Divorce for any cause? well, that's just the way it is in our society, might as well get used to it."  "Homosexuality? it's always been around and always will, might as well get used to it."  Lying, cheating, and stealing when it benefits one physically? people will always be doing these things, might as well get used to it."  "Living together before marriage? well you know the old saying about not buying a pair of shoes before trying them on! Besides, it seems wise to see if a couple is "compatible" before tying the knot, might as well get used to it."

            Fifty-two percent of Americans believe that pre-marital sex is a morally gray (blurry) issue, so they tolerate it. The same can be said of many other sins that have mushroomed to the spotlight in recent years.

            How about those, who have gotten used to the scenery of worship, the singing of praise, prayer, listening to a sermon, taking the Lord's Supper? They go through the motions, but it means very little. They go to church on Sundays because, well, "that's what you do on Sundays!" They have gotten used to the scenery.

            Paul writes in 1Corinthians 4:16b that "our inward man is renewed day by day." Everyday is a "renewal!" How then can a genuine Christian's vision become blurry if he is renewed everyday?  The answer is that he has swerved, perhaps unknowingly, off the straight and narrow road, and needs help getting back to the path that leads to Heaven.

            Is that you? Have you become used to the scenery? Do you look forward to attending the Sunday assemblies in anticipation of worshiping your Creator? Do you look forward to Bible study wherein you may learn how to better glorify God and enhance your spiritual life? Or, has your spiritual outlook become "blurry?" If this describes you, there are two most important things you must do to correct the problem: (1) spend much time in private prayer,  (2)  spend much time studying your Bible.  Be assured that God's vision and judgment of your attitude and life is not blurry.       


-Toby Miller


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