Oh, Great, He’s Up
1) An evil spirit (Acts 19:15) said it “knew Jesus.” This spirit also said it “knew Paul.”
2) This evil spirit then said it did not “know” some Jews who claimed to cast out evil spirits.
3) Satan and his helpers “know the names” of those who try to faithfully serve Christ. Slide
4) What kind of person (Christian) gets the devil’s attention?
a) Jas. 2:19; 4:7.
5) Acts 19 affirms Satan takes note of certain people.
What does it take to make the devil sit up and take notice of us?
6) One answer to this question is living a life dedicated to God.
7) Every true Christian should be a prayer warrior.
8) God had plenty to say about prayer, and what He said should be applied by every Christian.
9) Imagine what Satan could think when a Christian is committed to prayer each day –
10) Slide
a) When someone hears the word, Jesus said Satan “IMMEDIATELY” shows up (Mk. 4:15).
b) The world often mocks the Bible, but such is not true for the devil.
11) If we are a close student of God’s word, expect the devil to know our name.
12) In Acts 17:11 we read about some Christians who were interested in the Bible.
13) These Christians “examined the Scriptures daily” to see if these things were so.
14) Satan must also be aware of some congregations.
15) The Lord knows who His people and the devil does as well.
16) Satan not only has some knowledge of “who’s who,” he uses it – Slide
a) While the Lord was on the earth Satan had knowledge of who the apostles were.
b) Jesus told Peter the devil wanted to “sift the apostles” (including Peter) as “wheat.”
17) Faithful Christians complicate the devil’s efforts; faithful Christians mean using more resources.
18) In Mt. 12:26, Jesus said Satan has a “kingdom.”
a) How much is Satan willing to spend on a single Christian before he quits?
b) When Jesus was tempted, the devil invested some significant resources.
c) Satan was willing to wrap up more than a month’s time to tempt the Lord.
d) Satan also showed Jesus all the “kingdoms of the world” and the glory of them (Mt. 4:8-9).
19) How much is the devil willing to offer up for us? Does he even know our name?
20) In 2 Cor. 2:11, Paul spoke about Satan’s “devices.”
21) Satan has a variety of tools, he knows how to use them, and he is able to plan.
22) We have information on how the devil’s plan of attack for Eve as well as Jesus -
23) If Satan has a plan of attack, it makes sense for us to also have a plan.
24) Slide
25) The information already given should be part of our plan – we need to pray, study, righteousness.
26) Our plan also needs to include an absolute trust in God.
27) Our plan to overcome the devil should include a daily reminder of how we have an enemy.
28) Peter (1 Pet. 5:8) compared him to a roaring lion walking about seeking to devour people.
29) A good plan begins with knowing we have an opponent who never gives up wanting to destroy us.
30) Jesus (Jn. 10:28) said no force can snatch a child of God from His hands (protection).
31) The place of safety is “abiding” in Christ (Jn. 15:4).
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