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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

1 Thessalonians 5:22--abstain from every form of evil (NASB).


There are many activities that are expressly condemned in God's word while there are many activities that are not expressly condemned yet they have attached to them a lot of reasonable doubt. These are activities that may not at first appear to be wrong but upon close examination we will often find it improper to engage in them. This week's "Thought" is  focused on one such activity, namely opposite sex roommates living together as friends outside the marriage bond. This is not referencing blood related family members.


We must be careful to not make rash judgments about the way others are conducting their lives (Rom. 14:12-13). However, we do have the duty to be watchmen who will not fail to sound the alarm against any kinds of conduct that would tend to harm our effectiveness in being an example of a faithful child of God (1 Tim. 4:12)  which could/would cause us to become a stumbling block for others. Even though there may not be an explicit command that says, "opposite sexes must not live together as roommates", it is imperative that we be careful in our conduct so as to not hinder our influence for Christ and his church. When a male and a female become roommates, you can rest assured that the conclusion will be drawn that sexual sin in some fashion does take place. While this may not be true, the appearance of improper conduct will ever be present and that will inevitably harm their influence for Christ. While in and of itself, an activity may not be wrong, it simply may not be expedient or profitable to engage in it. I believe this to be the case with "opposite sex roommates" (1 Cor. 10:23).


We must not knowingly, willingly place ourselves into a situation that has the potential to make us an obstacle or stumbling block. Listen carefully to what the Lord has to say about being a stumbling block (Luke 17:1)  It is imperative that our lives be conducted in such a way that we give no occasion of offense to God, the church or others. Our conduct should be governed by his authority and must be such that he is glorified (Colossians 3:17. 1 Corinthians 10:31-32). On a personal note, I shudder to think about what will happen when standing in judgment if because of my influence others have been led to conduct themselves in an activity in which they could not contain themselves and did commit sexual sins. Again, even though there is no explicit command found in God's word that says "same sex couples cannot be roommates", it is essential that we conduct ourselves in such a way that we do not put a spot or blemish on the cause of Christ or his church. It is good for a man and woman to live together but it should be as husband and wife, not just as friends--one man's opinion.


Charles Hicks

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