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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What Will You Be Known As?

          When I was a child I was given the nickname "quo." I received this nickname because I had a speech impediment and could not properly pronounce the letter "r."  Therefore, when I said "quarter" it came out "quotow." So my nickname was "quotow" then "quoie" and it finally settled at "quo."  For many years of my life this is what my family and friends would call me. I guess they called me this because "quo" reminded them of me.  That is what nicknames generally do, they remind us of a particular aspect of someone.  I could not pronounce the letter "r" and that is what "quo" reminded them of.  Others have been given nicknames such as "big red," this is generally someone who is big and has red hair. One friend of mine has been given the nickname "giraffe" simply because he has a long neck.
            If you were asked who Joses (or Joseph) was in Scripture, would you know? Many only know this great man of God by his nickname "Barnabas."  Luke recorded that Barnabas was given this name by the apostles and it means "son of encouragement" (Acts 4:36).  When the apostles thought of Barnabas they thought of a great encourager.  Wouldn't it be great if when people thought of you and me they thought of a great Biblical characteristic? Wouldn't it be great to be though of as: a great encourager, a great evangelist, a great teacher, a great worker, or a great man of faith? I have had the great opportunity to know many Christians who fall into these categories.  However, there are also many who can be describes as: a complainer, lazy, pew filler, cantankerous, or a gossip. What do people think of when they think of you? Let us strive to be like Barnabas the "son of encouragement." 
--Garrett Bookout

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