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Monday, January 2, 2012

Mysteries in life

Life it seems; is full of mysteries, (Things you can't fathom or
understand). Sometimes it is the little everyday things that can be the
greatest mystery. For example, my wife's purse! We have been together for
close to 46 years and it is still a mystery to me. I'm not saying that I
don't appreciate that she carries one and all of the things she has with her
when I or she need them. What I find a mystery is first, how she gets so
many things inside of that small bag and second, how she finds the things
she needs. Some of the most dreaded words for me are, "it's in my purse,
just get it." I have sworn off looking for anything in her purse. The
scenario generally goes something like this: "It's in my purse, just get it
yourself." I pick up the purse, peer inside, move around the various items
for awhile and eventually give up with these words, "I can't find it."
Frustrated at my inability to find the thing she takes the purse and in a
few moments she delivers the item which had evaded me.

Another thing I find a mystery is the kitchen drawer with plastic storage
containers. I find it an overwhelming task to match a container with a lid
that fits. Many times I have opened to drawer, stared blankly into it for a
few moments, closed the drawer and just walked away. It is a mystery to me
how my wife can find a matching set. Somehow my wife has the mysterious
ability to perceive some things that I cannot.

Another mystery for some folks is the Word of God. They look at the bible as
a mysterious book full of unfathomable stories or tales. It is
incomprehensible to them that they could find the answers they need for
dealing with life's problems, much less find God speaking to them through
it. To be honest, much of the confusion surrounding the bible is fostered by
men (and women) who claim to have some special understanding of it.

Just yesterday, one of our church members shared with me that a friend at
work had made a statement about something which their church practiced. They
were adamant that if another church did not practice that thing then they
were wrong. They could not tell them where in the bible the idea was found,
but "their preacher said, so it had to be true."

Well, that's another mystery to me I guess. Why would anyone blindly take
the word of another person (even if they wear the title of preacher or
pastor) about something that affected their life in eternity? It is a
mystery to me that people do not just read the bible for themselves. You
see, I am on a life long mission to urge people to read the bible. It is God
speaking to us about the most important thing in the world, our living with

You might say, "But the bible is a mystery to me, I can't understand it."
That statement is just not true, but then don't take my word for it. Notice
what the apostle Paul had to say about it (in the bible). "God himself
revealed his mysterious plan to me. As you read what I have written, you
will understand my insight into this plan regarding Christ.." (Ephesians
3:3-4, NLT)

I kind of like the way this paraphrase of this passage puts these verses:
"As you read over what I have written to you, you'll be able to see for
yourselves into the mystery of Christ. None of our ancestors understood
this. Only in our time has it been made clear by God's Spirit through his
holy apostles and prophets of this new order. The mystery is that people who
have never heard of God and those who have heard of him all their lives
(what I've been calling outsiders and insiders) stand on the same ground
before God. They get the same offer, same help, same promises in Christ
Jesus. The Message is accessible and welcoming to everyone, across the
board." (Ephesians 3:4-6, The Message)

Yes, the Bible clears up the mysteries, "the Messages is accessible and
welcoming to everyone, across the board." There is only one catch! You have
to read it to understand it!

--Russ Lawson

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