1996 in Philadelphia. He loosened up approaching the bar with determination
and confidence. Because the bar was at chest level, Shane had to duck under
it positioning himself bent slightly with the bar across the back of his
shoulders. As he lifted, the reinforced steel bar began to sag beneath the
weight at each end....
Carrying the full weight, Shane stepped back from the barbell rests while
the crowd watched on in anticipation. He then executed an awe inspiring
squat lowering his upper legs until they were parallel to the floor then
lifting the weight once again to shoulder height. What made this so
incredible is that Shane had just set a new power-lifting record by
squatting 1,008 pounds. That is more than the weight of two average
Shane Hamman is often called "The Strongest Man in America," but there is a
weight that even Shane can't lift: the weight of SIN. In fact, no man can
remove the weight of sin from his own life. And, if it is not removed, he
will be crushed under its weight! See Matthew 7:13-14; Romans 6:23.
The Psalmist David knew this truth all too well: "There is no ... health in
my bones Because of my sin. For my iniquities have gone over my head; Like
a HEAVY BURDEN they are too heavy for me" (Ps 38:3-4).
Yet David looked to the Lord for his salvation (Psalm 38:21-22), and so WE
must look to the Sinless Son of God for our salvation because He is the only
One who can LIFT the burden of sin from our souls. Jesus "Himself BORE our
sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for
righteousness" (1 Peter 2:24).
"In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins,
according to the riches of His grace" (Ephesians 1:7).
We allow Christ to be our Sin-bearer when we place our faith and trust in
Him (Acts 16:30-31), turn from our sins in repentance (Acts 17:30-31),
confess Him before men (Romans 10:9-10), and are baptized (immersed) into
Him for the forgiveness of our sins (Acts 2:38; Galatians 3:27).
Won't YOU allow Christ to do the "heavy lifting" in your life by allowing
Him to bear YOUR sin through your trusting obedience?
David A. Sargent
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