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Monday, April 18, 2011

Wonderful? Counselor? Mighty God? Prince of Peace?

 King Hezekiah was devastated at the news that the mighty Assyrian army was about to attack Jerusalem. He tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and ashes and went into the House of the Lord to pray.

            We have here a deplorable and pathetic scene. It was a discouraging spectacle for all the people of Israel to have to look upon their king wearing the most humiliating of clothing, and to see their great king stoop to such a degrading level. Normally clothed in the majestic robes of a king, but now dressed in the humbleness of a peasant. However, God was impressed with Hezekiah's humbleness, and God sent Isaiah to tell the people, "Your eyes will once again see the king in his beauty." (The whole account can be read in Isaiah 33:13-17a;  and 2Kings chapters 18-20).

            With out knowledge of the Bible today, we can see a meaning that far surpasses that which encouraged the citizens of Jerusalem during the days of Hezekiah.

            You and I have a King, but He's a King far more noble than Hezekiah. Our King is Jesus, the King of kings (Revelation 17:14). Through the pages of the Bible, we have seen our King totally humiliated during the days of His flesh (Phil. 2:7-8); a King who was "despised and rejected of men" and "a man of many sorrows" (Isaiah 53:3). A King whose majesty was unrivaled and whose power was unequalled, yet He became fashioned like an ordinary peasant.

            We can somewhat relate to Jesus' life on earth because we are here to; but we cannot relate, or even imagine the total majesty He now enjoys as He sits at the right hand of God (Eph. 1:20), because we are not there -- yet!  However, like Israel of old, we too have the promise that "we shall see the King in His beauty!"

            The apostle Paul tells us in Romans 6:16, "You are servants to him whom you obey."  Is Jesus your King? only if you obey Him.  The main problem today seems to be that everyone wants to be their own king; they obey only themselves. What makes you think you deserve to rule your own life? You didn't create yourself;  you didn't even create the air that you must breathe to stay alive;  you have not lived a sinless life;  you have never died and raised yourself from the dead;  you have never talked face to face with God.  What then, would make you think you are more qualified to rule your life than Jesus?

            Are you worthy to be called by such titles as: Wonderful?  Counselor?  Mighty God? Prince of Peace?  If not, what makes you think you are more qualified to rule your life than the One who is worthy of these titles?

            Do you uphold all things by the power of your word?  Does the fullness of the Godhead dwell in you?  If not, what makes you think you should rule your own life?  Can you be like this and still have the expectation of someday "seeing the King in His beauty?"  If you are your own king, what beauty is there in you that you are hoping to see someday?

            Who can be more beautiful than God?  Who can be more beautiful than One who possesses perfect love?  Who can be more beautiful than the One who was meek and lowly in heart, and preached the gospel to the poor?  Who can be more beautiful than One who can never be defeated in anything? Who can be more beautiful than One who is surrounded by ten thousand times ten thousand Angels?!  Do you really want to miss all this? If not, you'll have to come to Him during this life in repentance, baptism, and faithfulness.

            So far, we have only seen our King humiliated, rejected, scourged, and hanging on a Cross.  But we will never see Him like that again! The next time we see Him, we'll see Him in His Beauty.         


    Toby Miller

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