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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Good intentions are not enough

 He had it all together, and then he came undone. The Truth stood right in front of Pilate, yet he purposely refused to acknowledge Him (John 18:28-38).

            Like so many today, Pilate's mind was nothing more that "play dough" waiting to be molded into whatever shape the world wanted. He didn't have the courage to stand behind his own convictions. He wanted to release Jesus, but crumbled under the pressure of the majority. He felt he had no choice. Going against his own conscience, he finally sent Jesus away to be crucified.

            No one can force me to go against my conscience unless I allow them to do so. No one can frighten or intimidate me unless I allow them such access to my mind.  No one can force me, or even discourage me from following Jesus unless I purposely allow them to have such controlling power over my personal life and convictions.

            Though Pilate had the power to rule a Roman territory, he lacked the power to rule himself.  On the outside, Pilate appeared to be a valiant and noble man, but when he came face to face with the Truth, then we find out what kind of man he really was. He buckled under the pressure of his peers.

            Like so many today who appear to be noble and in control of their lives, when they come face to face with the Truth of God's word, it exposes who is really in control of their lives. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a "mirror" (cf. James 1:23-25), and our reaction and response, after looking into it, exposes who we really are.

            Like Pilate, most of us have good intentions, but good intentions alone are of no value unless followed by demonstrating the "proof of our love" (2Corinthians 8:11) by obedience to our God. We must "take up our cross daily and follow after Him."  This is not just a "suggestion," but rather a command of Jesus Himself (Luke 9:23), as a qualifying characteristic of discipleship. Many fail to receive spiritual blessings from Jesus because they've lost touch with Him through a failure to follow Him according to Truth.

            Few people today are vocally screaming "Crucify Him!" but they are screaming these same words with the way they live their lives. Others, like Pilate, just wash their hands of the matter, mistakenly thinking it relives them of any responsibility. It doesn't.  Neither culture, nor societal trends determines the authority by which we will all be individually and eternally judged. Universal authority has already been designated: "All authority is given unto Me in heaven and in earth" (Matthew 28:18).

            Don't be a "Pilate," be a "Daniel." If they want to throw you into a lion's den, go, and trust God.

--Toby Miller

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