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Thursday, August 26, 2010

And the Lord's servant must not strive, 2 TIm. 2:24

Denny Petrillo just delivered one of the best chapel sermons I have ever heard.  He spoke about the advice he received from the late, beloved Bear Valley instructor, Monroe Tharp (hear Denny's lesson here:  In the midst of discussing the importance of loving the brethren, Denny referenced 2 Timothy 2:24.  There, Paul says that the servant of the Lord must be "patient when wronged."  Denny masterfully analyzed the implications of that.  Consider that powerful admonition.
"Be Patient When Wronged."  How do you handle mistreatment?  Do you fly off the handle? Do you get revenge? Do you turn bitter? Do you gossip? Do you rail or have outbursts of anger? Paul says to be patient.  That involves being slow to react, watching your words and attitude, and choosing your course of action deliberately!
"Be Patient When Wronged."  He did not say "if."  Accept the reality that service to Christ will produce times when people will hurt, malign, undermine, or slander you.  Do not take it personally.  Realize that it goes with the service territory. It will not happen every time you work for the Lord.  Often, people will show profound gratitude and offer encouragement.  But, there will be times when you are wronged.

"Be Patient When Wronged."  Be aware that sometimes others, including Christians, will do what is wrong.  So often, your brothers and sister will be so kind, thoughtful, generous, and helpful.  But, the reality is that you will be mistreated in some way.  God anticipated these times and tells you how to react.
This admonition is extremely helpful for preachers, but also for any who have decided to follow Jesus and serve Him and His people. It is the how, when, and what of responding to mistreatment.  As Denny said, you will not be more mistreated than either Christ or Paul.  But, when you are mistreated, you have the instructions for handling it.  "Be patient when wronged."
Neal Pollard

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