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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Homeschools and Evolution


            I had no idea what to expect when I saw an article the other day called "Top Home-School Texts Dismiss Darwin, Evolution" by Dylan Lovan.  I did not know if this particular article would be for the idea or against it.  I think this author was trying to remain neutral to the subject but showed some bias.

            While this article may not have been totally against evolution, it sure contained a lot of points in favor of it.  It starts out with a story of a girl who read a Christian textbook that rejected Charles Darwin's theory and said, "This is not true!"  It tried to paint a bad picture on these Christian homeschool texts by giving statistics such as, "Christian-based materials dominate a growing home-school education market that encompasses more than 1.5 million students in the U.S.  For most home-school parents, a Bible-based version of the Earth's creation is exactly what they want... Those who don't, however, often feel isolated and frustrated from trying to find a textbook that fits their beliefs."  It also added some quotations from college professors such as Jerry Coyne who said, "I feel fairly strongly about this. These books are promulgating lies to kids... If this is the way kids are home-schooled then they're being shortchanged, both rationally and in terms of biology."  Only at the end of the article does it sort of try to support the other side. (Click Here for Full Article).

            It is very hard for me to be sympathetic to people who think it is unfair and wrong to teach creationism or that evolution is false.  Is it really so wrong to allow people to make their own opinions and decisions?  Of course not, but what many of these people want to do is unsympathetically brainwash our children.  They are being told what to think, not how to think.  So, not only have they bickered and complained about what was being taught in the public school system to such a degree that most schools teach the theory of evolution as an undisputed fact, but now they are complaining that there are not enough homeschool materials that support evolution.  What sort of argument is this?  Are their not literally thousands of textbooks used in public schools that people have access to?  Why must people in our culture try so feverishly to remove God and creation from all aspects of life?  God has been removed from most of our schools, it is challenged in our currency, in the pledge of allegiance, in textbooks, even partly in what the church is allowed to teach, and much more.

            Discouragement can come easily when we think about this type of situation.  When I read these types of articles, it made me wonder if there will soon be a day when it will be illegal to teach my children what the Bible says.  However, let me present 3 quick points on how we should respond no matter what our culture demands, what becomes illegal, and what happens in the future:

1. Teach God Anyway.  We should never let other people dictate what we should and should not teach our children.  We should teach about God, and teach the truth found in the Bible.  God is the supreme ruler of this world and one way or another everyone will concede to this fact (Romans 14:11; Philippians 2:10f).

2. Glorify God Anyway.  No matter how bad things may become, God deserve glory from us.  There is no way we could ever have been good enough to be saved, but God gave it to those of us who obeyed Him commands.  No matter what struggles we may face with our culture, God will bless us, and He deserves the glory (Romans 11:36; Philippians 4:20; etc).

3. Worship God Anyway.  God wants us to worship Him (Luke 4:8).  Even if it becomes illegal to worship God, this should not stop us; it would just make it slightly less convenient.

We can never support something that is against God's word.  Whether it is through homeschooling or any other way,let's make sure the Bible will always be taught, and that God will always continue to be glorified and worshipped.

Brett Petrillo

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