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Monday, March 19, 2018

Love is Kind


There is a man who is a regular customer at the Waffle House in La Marque, Texas. This same man recently underwent surgery and has to use a portable oxygen tank. When he went to the restaurant to eat on March 3, he told the waitress, Evoni Williams, age 18, that his hands “don’t work too good.” So Williams stood on the other side of the counter, took a fork and a knife, and cut the ham on his plate for him.


This simple act of kindness was photographed by Laura Wolf who was also eating breakfast at the Waffle House. She posted the photo on Facebook with this caption:


“I don't know her name but I heard this elderly man tell her his hands don't work too good. He was also on oxygen and struggling to breathe. Without hesitation, she took his plate and began cutting up his ham. This may seem small but to him, I'm sure it was huge. I'm thankful to have seen this act of kindness and caring at the start of my day while everything in this world seems so negative. If we could all be like this waitress & take time to offer a helping hand...”


Currently, this post has been shared on Facebook over 73,000 times and “liked” or “loved” over 145,000 times. Because of this post, several have sought to honor Williams for her kindness. La Marque Mayor Bobby Hocking recently declared one day, “Evoni Williams Day.” As a thank-you gesture in recognition of her kindness, Texas Southern University presented her with a $16,000 scholarship.


The young employee told ABC 13 she didn’t expect any of the recognition she’s received. She saw a man who could use some assistance, and she helped him. "It just came from the heart," she said.*


What a simple but wonderful act of kindness! This writer is also thankful for the favorable attention that this kind act has received. It is quite refreshing when, as Laura stated, “everything in this world seems so negative.”


May this act point to the greatest act of kindness this dark world has ever experienced:


“3For we ourselves [that includes you and me] were also once foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving various lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another. 4But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, 5not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:3-5).


When we were lost in sin and couldn’t help ourselves, “the kindness and the love of God our Savior” appeared in the person of Jesus Christ, God’s Son. Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins and to give us eternal life. He did this, not because of our “works of righteousness,” but because of His love, His mercy, and His kindness toward us. He saves us through “the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit.” This washing and renewing refers to what happens when a person places His faith and trust in Jesus (Acts 16:30-31), turns from his sin in repentance (Acts 17:30-31), confesses Jesus before men (Romans 10:9-10), and is baptized (immersed) into Christ for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38; 22:16). Then, as one continues to walk in the light of His Word, the blood of Jesus continues to cleanse him from sin (1 John 1:7).


Because YOU and I were lost in sin and destined for destruction, the kindness of God sent Jesus to save us. Won’t YOU receive the gift of His kindness through your trusting obedience?


-- David A. Sargent


* Information gleaned from “Waffle House employee's act of kindness toward elderly customer lands her $16G scholarship” by Michelle Gant of Fox News.


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