The Church of Christ:
1 Corinthians 1:10-13
Our fundamental thesis is that the New Testament condemns division and denominationalism is, by definition, division. Therefore, the church of Jesus Christ is not and cannot be divided into denominations. The church of Jesus Christ in Corinth was having some problems of division among them. Let’s take a look at Paul’s words to the church at Corinth in 1 Cor 1:10-13.
What do we learn from this text?
1.) We are all to “agree.”
2.) There are to be “no divisions” among Christians. That’s clear enough, isn’t it? There are to be no “denominations” among Christians (cf. Rom 16:17). The word translated “dissensions” here means “division into opposing groups, generally two - ‘division, discord.’”
3.) We are to be “made complete” in the same mind and in the same judgment.
4.) Divisions give rise to “quarrels.”
5.) There were “denominations” in Paul’s day and he says that that was wrong.
6.) Christ is not divided. If Christ is not divided, then the implication is that His body, His church, should not be divided.
Having said all of that, what is the solution to the problem of division in Christianity? What was the solution to the problem of denominationalism in the first century? What does Paul say the church of Jesus Christ should do in Corinth?
First, Paul argues that division, contrary to being a good thing, is actually an evil thing. Notice his words in 1 Corinthians 3:1-3.
Division in Christianity is a sign of pride. It is a sign of selfishness. It is a sign of walking after the flesh. It is a sign of spiritual immaturity. So, what’s the solution?
Second, we need to recognize that there are certain behaviors and beliefs that God expects all Christians to know and practice, for all time, everywhere. Notice Paul’s words in 1 Cor 4:17.
Third, how do we solve the problem of denominationalism? We go back to the commands of Jesus Christ, through His apostles. Notice yet another passage in 1 Corinthians 14:37.
That’s the solution to the problem of division in Christianity today. Of course, fourthly, when we learn that we are not doing what Christ, through His apostles, commands Christians to do, then we need to have the humility to admit we are wrong and then correct our behavior. Look at Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 12:20-21.
Repent and go back to the pattern of teaching that the New Testament gives us from Jesus Christ through His apostles who were inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Tomorrow we’ll see that Paul taught these same points in other letters.
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