Often we may hear someone say, "I'm not getting anything out of my Bible class." When this happens what is the cause? There may be many causes. One could obviously be that the teacher is not prepared and that he is not doing a good job in presenting the material. However, even if this is the case, still as a Bible student, I can learn much in the class IF I do the proper kind of preparation and study for the class at home.
I believe that probably more often than not, the problem lies more in the other direction. The person who makes this statement may, in fact, be putting little or nothing into the class. They come without studying and expect the teacher to suddenly excite them about this subject and fill them with knowledge. This will not happen if we do not show enough interest at home to prepare for the class.
Also, how many parents are concerned enough about their children's soul that they make sure they are getting their lessons and bringing their books? Are we wasting time and losing our children in our indifference?
- by Steve Hardin
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