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Friday, January 10, 2014

Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

It is amazing to me how easy it is to get behind in doing things, even
things that are really important to you. You may have that problem also, but
I hope not. One of the really, really important things I meant to do is to
encourage you to make a commitment to read some of God's Word each day
during 2014.

I slipped up! My wife and I started doing this already, (yes we completed
last year's reading on schedule). By the time you read this we will probably
be 12 days into the New Year, but that's OK, if you haven't yet, get started
anyway. It's amazing what you can do if you put your mind to it and if it is
really important to you.

I know there are lots of things that interfere with your plans and your
"best intentions". That's OK; you are not unusual, it happens to all of us!
There are times, (even though I try to read daily), something comes up and I
miss a day and have to make up that day's reading.

You need to understand that no one is grading you on your ability to read,
or even your ability to read "THE WHOLE" bible. God directs us to spend time
with Him and in His Word, but doesn't tell us how to go about it.

I heard a story about a youngster who excitedly told his father, "I just
figured out what BIBLE means!" His fathers somewhat intrigued ask him to
share this new found discovery. The youngster said, "Basic Instructions
Before Leaving Earth."

I believe he got it right, don't you! Everyone wants to know, "What happens
next?" don't they? Is there life after death? What is my purpose for living?
These are questions of importance which have plagued mankind since the
beginning. The thing that many people don't realize is that all of the
answers are there, you just have to read the instruction manual, God's Word.

David tells us in Psalm 119:105, "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light
on my path."

How about it, won't you join us in reading through God's Word again this
year, or maybe for the first time! Let God light your way!

Russ Lawson

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