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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Miami's Biscayne Bay

A grand piano recently showed up on a sandbar in Miami's Biscayne Bay, about
200 yards from shore. The piano, which weighs at least 650 pounds, was
placed at the highest spot along the sandbar so that it didn't get
underwater during high tide. The piano has now been removed, but its
placement on the sandbar remained a mystery for several days.

After many theories and false claims, the truth was revealed. The piano had
been placed on the sandbar by a television designer's teenage son who said
Thursday he hoped the idea might help him get into a prestigious art school.
Nicholas Harrington, with video-taped proof of his endeavor, said that he -
with the help of his brother and two neighbors - planned and implemented the
venture by carrying the piano out to the sandbar on the family's 22-foot
boat. Harrington, a high school junior, has hopes that his "artistic
expression" would help him get into Manhattan's Cooper Union College. *

For several days, officials weren't sure how the piano got there, but they
knew someone had to place it there. The tide could not have done it; it
didn't just appear there unaided.

One can look at the universe and make the same deductions. With all the
marvelous design - infinitely greater than that of a baby grand piano -
surely it didn't just appear accidentally! The intricate design of the
Universe gives undeniable evidence of a Designer, and the Scriptures reveal
that the Designer is God.

"In the beginning, GOD created the heavens and the earth."
-- Genesis 1:1

"For every house [and every piano] is built by someone, but He who built all
things is GOD." -- Hebrews 3:4

Among other things, the Divine origin of the universe indicates that YOU are
no accident! Mankind did not just appear accidentally, aimlessly. The
Scriptures reveal that God created man in His own image (Genesis 1:26-27)
for the purpose of having fellowship with God.

But due to our wrong choices, SIN has separated us from God (see Isaiah

But God loves us so much that He gave His only Son, Jesus, to die on the
cross for our sins so that we might be reconciled to Him (see Romans
5:6-10). The blood that Jesus shed in His death has paid the price of
redemption for sin (Ephesians 1:7). His atoning blood covers our sins if we
accept the gift of salvation on His terms by placing our faith and trust in
Jesus (Acts 16:30-31), turning from sin in repentance (Acts 17:30-31),
confessing Him before men (Romans 10:9-10), and being baptized (immersed)
into Christ so that our sins can be washed away (Acts 2:38; 22:16).

How did man come to be? Why are we here?

We were CREATED by a loving CREATOR! He has also provided the means to His
ultimate purpose for our lives - living eternally with Him - through the
GIFT of His Son.

Won't YOU accept His offer?

David A. Sargent

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