Hell is a reality, an no one can prove otherwise. All accountable people will eternally exist there who do not commit themselves to do the Heavenly Father's will during this life (Matthew 7:21).
Hell will be a crowded place with screaming people. There will be no compassion, no grace, no mercy and no love in that place where God has removed Himself.
Some will say, "I can't accept what the Bible says about Hell because if I do, then my mother and father are there, as they were not Christians!"
I cannot understand why anyone would want to go to Hell just because their mother and father are there. They will not love you in Hell. They will not care anything about you, because there is no love in Hell. God is Love (1John 4:16), and God is not in Hell.
If you send yourself to Hell (by your rejection of God's will), with your husband/wife and children, they won't care anything about you. There will be no family relationships in Hell.
In Hell, you will be totally forgotten. Even the angels that would have rejoiced at your repentance (Luke 15:10), will have forgotten all about you. If I should "reject the faith" thereby judging myself unworthy of eternal life (cf. Acts 13:46), and an angel ask God, "What ever happened to Toby Miller?" God would say, "Toby who?"
In Hell, God does not even care about you anymore. "With difficulty" (1Peter 4:18), He was able to create a "Way" of salvation (John 14:6), but you rejected it. What a pitiable situation, to be in a place of eternal torment, and God doesn't even care anymore. Why? Because He sent His only begotten Son to die for you, and you rejected Him. Because He gave you opportunity to study His Book, but you refused; because He gave you opportunity to repent and be baptized into His son, but you refused; He gave you opportunity to live for Him, but you refused; He gave you opportunity to seek His kingdom and His righteousness first, but you refused. Therefore, when you call out to Him, He will not hear (cf. Proverbs 1:24-28). Furthermore, it is a "righteous thing" for God to cast you off (2Thessalonians 1:6).
Hell is a reality, and you don't want to go there! There is no "thing" or "person" worth going to Hell over. Your only hope is to respond to the love of God, "which is in Jesus Christ" (Romans 8:39). To loosen your grip on Jesus, is to let go of God's love.
You must repent of your sins and be immersed into Christ for the forgiveness of your sins (Acts 2:38; Galatians 3:27; Colossians 2:12).
There is only One Hope (Ephesians 4:4), and that One Hope is Jesus Christ (1Timothy 1:1). He has come to you, now you must come to Him (Matthew 11:28).
--Toby Miller
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