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Monday, February 22, 2010

"Bit’s and Pieces"


I used to read a little column somewhere in a publication called "Bit's and Pieces." Don't remember where it was that I read it, but it consisted of several short thoughts on various subjects, all of which was designed to make the reader think. And when one read it and "thunk" about it, a lesson was learned. I've amassed a lot of these little "bits and pieces" of thoughts myself so I just "figger'd" I'd put some of them out to you and let you think about them.

First off, let's talk about "friendship" for a moment. As we go through our lives we get to know a lot of people, don't we? And mostly we call them "friends" simply because they aren't enemies. But that's not "true friendship," is it? Just knowing another person by their first name doesn't constitute "true friendship." I think that "true friendship" is based upon what "friends" have done for each other.

I once read somewhere that "true friends" recognize the hearts of their friends and not their faces. That there can be no "true friendship" where the heart is not involved. I wholly agree with that statement because I feel that what we do for each other is based upon our heart being involved with that other person. Proverbs 18:24 tells us that we have "...a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." That "friend" did something for us even before we were "friends" and if we want "true friendship" with Him, our heart tells us that we must give something in return - our love, faith and devotion.

Second thought: I read a little account a while back referring to an event we all remember, the crash-landing of U.S. Airways Flight 1549 in the Hudson River in New York. The article said that the flight took off at 3:26 PM, Jan. 15th, 2009 and landed in the river at 3:31 PM, 1-15-2009. A flying time of about 5 minutes duration. It reported that the passengers were screaming and several were heard praying, over and over, "Lord, forgive me of my sins."

I immediately thought of something Jesus said in His sermon on the mount. You can read this in Matt. 7:21-22 and His statement that I wish to point out is the one where He says; "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not....." The key to this thought here is "that day" which is referring to Judgment, or what is sometimes referred to as the "day of reckoning." We know when the passengers of Flight 1549 thought that their "day of reckoning" had come, when do you think yours will? Will you be ready for it, or will you be pleading for a last-second pardon. Please read the whole account I cited you in Matthew.

A little short thought here. We often hear said that we wish that we knew "back then" what we "know now." Here's a little quotation (author unk.) that fits real well: "Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen." AMEN!

How about a momentary thought on "faith." Hebrews 11:1 says this about "faith." "Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see." (NLT) It's our "faith" that allows us to see and believe in the Gospel of Christ even though we weren't there at the moment to witness His death, burial and resurrection. We believe that it did occur and we act according to that belief - that "faith."

In a recent movie entitled "The Bucket List" the two elderly stars are debating each other about many things of life and the subject of "faith" came up. One of them, mentioned his "faith" and the other, playing sort of an agnostic role in the movie, said "I can't get my head around it (faith)." Whereupon the first man replied, "Maybe your head's in the way."

Isn't that a very profound statement? That is probably exactly why many people do not have "faith." Their head gets in the way. Go back to what we defined "faith" as being: an assurance of things we can't see. If they're visible, if they can be seen, then it isn't of "faith." It is by "sight." Paul tells Christians that they "walk by faith and not by sight." (2 Cor. 5:7) It's our head that tells us that we're too smart and intelligent to believe something we can't see. When we think that way, our head is in the way.

Last little thought: For some time now, we've been studying the proverbs of Solomon and how applicable they are to both the physical and spiritual aspects of our lives. In those studies we've read and discussed a lot about "character" and about "heart," as the Bible uses the word to indicate the "mind" of man. About how important the condition of our "heart" is as that is what determines the "character" of a person's life, both aspects. I'm going to leave you with a few words now that I feel speaks to this combination. Again, the author is unknown.

                    Watch your thoughts, they become words.

                    Watch your words, they become actions.

                    Watch your actions, they become habits.

                    Watch your habits, they become character.

                    Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

Ron Covey

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