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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Replowing the parable of the sower

When Jesus sketched out for the crowd the divergent destinies of seed sown
by a farmer, his parable analyzed different responses to the message of the
kingdom (Matthew 13:1-23).

Jesus' story goes beyond being merely descriptive to also functioning as an
alert against danger. Accordingly, further insight can be gleaned if we step
into the typical thought processes behind the various behaviors Jesus

Consider the type of thoughts ricocheting around in the head of those who
hear the message but do not embrace it. Perhaps she is highly educated and
convinced in her own ability to accurately understand how life works.

Upon hearing about a Creator sending his Son to die that he might rise from
the dead creating a people for God and ruling over them, she thinks, "That's
just outdated superstition. I'm too sophisticated to fall for that!"

Maybe his life experiences had been rougher than normal. In a dog-eat-dog
world, there seemed to be no place for justice or a God who loves him. With
a wry smile he thought, "You expect me to believe in a God who loves me and
cares for me? Where has he been?"

These are some of the ways the hard packed soil might think.

Those whose hearts represent good soil, even if raised in a secular home,
are open-minded enough to consider, "I am going to check out whether or not
God's word is credible." Having examined the evidence and finding the claims
reasonable, this person reflects, "I need to respond to Jesus."

How might the rocky soil think? As a new Christian she quickly discovered
that her work environment not only frowned on Christians revealing their
beliefs, the company promoted immoral lifestyles and her boss encouraged
ethical practices contrary to her new life in Christ. She thought, "I had
better tone down this Christianity thing or I will hurt my chances at career

On the other hand, the good soil might muse in such an environment: "I am to
be an influence for God's kingdom in this potentially hostile world" or
perhaps, "While I value career advancement, I measure success by how I am
serving God."

Thorny soil thinking seems to abound in America. Viewing the world as
resting solely upon one's own shoulders, this individual discovers in
unemployment, credit card debt, or numerous other difficulties the
opportunity to think, "I don't have time to worship this week."

Nevertheless, in the same situations the good soil remembers God's promises
of provision and care. Rather than withdrawing from God, the good soil
ponders: "I will rely upon God's promises." "God will get me through this
day by day." "What matters most is that I remain faithful to God."

Reflecting on some samples of divergent mindsets can provide us with a
barometer for measuring our own hearts. With what type of soil does our
thinking resonate? Who are we?

by Barry Newton

Thursday, September 15, 2011




1.                  Our worship assemblies serve two basic purposes:

A.                To worship and praise God (Heb. 13:15).

B.                 To encourage and exhort one another (Heb. 10:24-25).

2.                  It isn't hard to see the importance of developing proper attitudes toward all aspects of worship.

A.                In this vein questions and concerns arise regarding how one should dress for public worship.

B.                 We should not be indifferent about such things.

3.                  Worship to God should not be approached with an emphasis upon appearances (Matt. 6:5-6).

A.                We should not want to call attention to ourselves in any way.

B.                 Our culture tends toward a relaxed attitude toward life in general.

a.                   Such is often reflected in what we wear.

b.                  The custom of the day is casualness in appearance.  Businesses have "casual Fridays."

4.                  The subject here is our dress on the Lord's Day for worship.

A.                I recognize that we are discussing that which falls within the realm of personal choice.

B.                 I don't have "book, chapter and verse" for a suit and tie, or a dress for women.

C.                 No one can dictate what others should wear to worship services.  We can set the right example and teach on it.

5.                  It used to be a common conviction that Sunday was a special day.

A.                People used to dress like it.

a.                   We had our Sunday clothes and our weekday clothes.

b.                  Old-timers would make sure they had clean overalls for Sunday.

B.                 The Community Church movement has brought with it a "come as you are" attitude.

a.                   Casual is one thing, slovenly is another thing.

b.                  Low hanging/torn jeans, tee shirts with slogans & logos, caps with satanic symbols seem to be stylish Sunday wear.

c.                   The late generation has been reared on going to ball games and concerts.  Can we not see the need for a different approach to worship?

6.                  With these things in mind let us consider some guidelines that may help to shape our thinking in this area.



A.                Which passages apply directly to this subject?

1.                  None.

2.                  By that I mean that the Bible [God's word] does not discuss how we should dress when we worship God publicly.

3.                  Certain principles, however, will apply.

B.                 Genesis 41:14.

1.                  Why would Joseph submit to such improvement of his appearance?

2.                  He was to appear before a king.

C.                 Deuteronomy 22:5.

1.                  It would be wrong to base any prohibition to a Christian upon an Old Testament law such as this.

2.                  Old Testament laws are not our laws today (Rom. 15:4; Col. 2:14; Heb. 8:13).

3.                  New Testament principles apply – men should look like men and women should look like women! (1 Cor. 11).

D.                1 Samuel 16:7.

1.                  Someone says, "It's not the outward appearance, but what's in the heart."

2.                  Granted.  However, our dress is a window to our heart – indicative of our thinking.

a.                   "Alternative" styles [tattoos, body piercings, slouchy look] reflect an attitude of rebellion whether or not one holds that attitude.

b.                  I can't judge hearts, but I can inspect fruit.

E.                 Matthew 8:20.

1.                  Common conclusion: "Jesus did not have fine clothes."

2.                  We know nothing of the clothing of Jesus expect what is given in the crucifixion accounts.

3.                  Jesus' appearance was average (Isa. 53:2).

F.                  1 Corinthians 11:1-16.

1.                  Nobody should try to bind personal opinions based upon this passage.

2.                  Paul himself did not bind any customs or opinions:

a.                   He introduced the underlying principle of headship (Vss. 1-3).

b.                  He appeals to matters of female subordination (Vss. 4-9).

c.                   Vs. 10 is difficult.

d.                  He shows the woman is of the Lord just as much as the man (Vss. 11-12).

e.                   He calls for personal judgment based upon propriety (Vss. 13-15).

f.                   He concedes that the head covering custom was neither an apostolic or congregational custom (Vs. 16).

3.                  Brethren hold four different views on the present-day application of this passage:

a.                   The covering of 1 Cor. 11:2ff is merely the natural covering of hair, no artificial covering is involved (B. Coffman).

b.                  There are two coverings: a woman's long hair and a veil – both are bound on all Christian women (D. Lipscomb).

c.                   The requirement is general involving some "sign of authority" on a woman's head the nature of which is determined by contemporary styles [e.g., a napkin, or hat] (W. Jackson).

d.                  The principles of female subjection and modesty are universal, but the head covering was based upon a social custom not binding today (J. W. Roberts).

G.                1 Timothy 2:9-10; 1 Peter 3:3.

1.                  In these passages the apostles are not prohibiting the wearing of jewelry or braided hair.

2.                  They are using a Greek idiom that means not so much A, but B.  That is, our emphasis should not be so much physical adornment, but spiritual.

H.                James 2:1-4.

1.                  It's wrong to judge a person on outward appearances.

2.                  It's equally wrong to assume an attitude [dress like a gang member] and cry, "Don't judge me!"

II.                AVOID EXTREMES.

A.                One extreme is that everyone ought to wear dress suits to worship services.

1.                  This may be desirable from the standpoint of men participating in a public way.

2.                  Elders are justified in offering suggestions for those who take a leading role in the worship services and are teachers in Bible classes.

a.                   This does fall within the realm of expediency.

b.                  It is not right to force an opinion.  We can teach and set the right example.

3.                  It is not always practical for people to wear dress suits at all times:

a.                   Not everybody can afford nicer outfits.  Whereas sloppy dress years ago indicated poverty, today it may reflect an attitude [rebellion/anarchy].

b.                  Visitors traveling through, of course, are more casual.

c.                   Sometimes people must leave directly from work to attend services dressed in their work clothes.

B.                 Other extremes:

1.                  Few people are aware that at one time Ellen G. White [founder of Seventh-Day Adventists] claimed a vision from God for a "Reform dress."

a.                   The idea was based on Numbers 15:38-41 and the desire to stand out as God's "peculiar people."

b.                  This "revelation" was an embarrassment – discarded and forgotten.

2.                  A brother and his family I once met did a similar thing.

a.                   They came to believe that all traditional American clothing styles for men and women are immodest and ungodly.

b.                  He reasoned that pants are the same us underwear in Bible times (Jn. 21:7).

c.                   He wore a blue tunic [coat] over matching pants.

3.                  The notion that God doesn't care how we present ourselves to him in worship.

a.                   In line with this attitude people can do better, but choose not to do so.

b.                  A "youth minister" comes to church with his shirt hanging out and holes in his jeans.  His justification?  The teens want him to dress this way.  Who is the role model here?

III.             DRESS MODESTLY.

A.                The most important of all is to dress modestly, especially in worship assemblies.

B.                 Worship services ought to be a safe haven from worldly distractions.

C.                 1 Timothy 2:8-10 exhorts both men and women to put on a holy demeanor.

1.      Women especially are instructed not to dress in order to try to impress people.

2.         Men and women should avoid extravagance and skimpiness.


1.                  Jesus Christ is the proper clothing for all Christians.

2.                  Those who are "in Christ," have "put him on" in baptism – He is seen in their lives (Gal. 3:27).

3.                  We are looking for clothing of a different nature altogether (2 Cor. 5:1-2).



Dennis Gulledge   Mabelvale, AR

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Little Hope, Texas

Life after death is not exclusive to New Testament Christianity. The question presented in the title of this article is as ancient as man himself.   Job asked this question (Job 14:14), and the answer from heaven, both to Job and the faithful patriarchs of old, has been a resounding "yes"!  Men have embraced that hope in a world that is otherwise filled with doubt and despair.  In the rock-hewn tombs of the Pharaohs by the Nile River have been found these words: "The dead shall live again!"  Belief in immortality led the Egyptians to perfect the art of embalming in order that the body could be preserved for the afterlife.   The Greeks and the Romans believed in life after death as well.  The Romans often made their tombs so large that a lamp could be kept burning on a reserve of fuel for many years.  One of the provisions in the Will and Testament of Caruso, was for a large candle to be so constructed that it would refuel itself and burn for one-hundred-fifty years.  I understand it is still burning today.   I am sure that many have read about the treasures which were buried with great kings in order that their life beyond the grave would be well supplied.   I have also read that the American Indians often buried their dead on the side of hill, facing the sunrise, fully believing in the dawn of a better day for the soul of man.  The hope of life after death has resonated through history, and in spite of the attempts of atheism to destroy that hope, it remains as much alive today as it did centuries ago.  The question above deserves an answer, does it not?   So, we ask the question again:  "If a man die shall he live again?"   Here are the answers that are being given:


First, there is the answer of the materialist.   The materialist says all there is to man is flesh, bone and blood.  Ask such a skeptic if man shall live again and he will answer in the negative.  What, then, happens to the man?  "Nothing happens!" – so says the materialist.  He would have us to believe that we go nowhere; "earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust! That is the end of us!"  If the materialist is correct, he will never know it!   Once he dies, he will cease to exist, and like the proverbial dog Rover, he is "dead all over!"  Such a philosophy is incredibly discouraging, is it not?


The second answer is that of science.  But science cannot explore the realms of eternity for that is beyond their expertise.  When it comes to origins, and things eternal, the lips of science are sealed, for the obvious reason that they cannot take us where they themselves have not been.   The answer of science was once expressed in the words of Dr. William Osler, late professor of medicine at Oxford:  "Whether across death's threshold we step from life to life, or whether we go whence we shall not return, even to the land of darkness, as darkness itself, the scientist cannot tell.  Nor is this strange.  Science is organized knowledge, and knowledge is of the things we see.   Now the things that are seen are temporal.  Of the things that are unseen science knows nothing, and has at present no means of knowing anything."  Science cannot provide a satisfactory answer to the question of this hour.


The third answer is that of the agnostic.   Our English word 'agnostic' was invented by Thomas Huxley.  It is a transliteration of the word which means "unknown."  The agnostic does not say directly that there is no life after death; he simply says we cannot know!  Robert Ingersoll captured the hopeless despair of the agnostic at the grave of a child:  "Why should we fear that which will come to all that is?  We cannot tell. We do not know which is the greatest blessing, life or death.  We cannot say death is not good. We do not know whether the grave is the end of life, or the door of another, or whether the night here is not a dawn somewhere else.   Neither can we tell which is the more fortunate, the child dying in its mother's arms before its lips have learned to form a word, or he who journeys all the length of life's uneven road, painfully taking the last slow steps with staff and crutch."    What hope is there is such a belief?  None!  The agnostic robs humanity of that one great hope that death will not be the end of our existence.  


The fourth answer comes from Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live:  and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never did" (John 11:26).   Jesus proved the reliability of His promise when He rose from the dead never to die again.   The only way we can ever hope to attain to life eternal and the accompanying joy that goes with it is to believe and obey His word.   He has promised us that in the "Father's house are many mansions," and that He has gone to "prepare a place for us" and will come again and receive us unto Himself.   The belief in Jesus and the trustworthiness of His words is the ONLY thing that gives hope to a lost and dying world. 


In east Texas there is a small community called "Little Hope."   Perhaps the name was adapted in an effort to compare their little community to Hope, Arkansas, though much smaller in size.  That is only a conjecture on the part of this scribe.  But today the words could aptly describe the masses of humanity who have "little hope" of something far better beyond the grave.  The reason there is so little hope in this world is because too few are aware of the "precious and exceeding promises" reserved for those who know and obey God.   An increasing number in Western civilization are growing ignorant of the promises contained in the Bible.   Many a lost soul continues to put their trust in the 'god' of this world, seeking the glitter of fool's gold rather than the true riches of eternal life.  They have forgotten the words of the apostle: "The world passeth away and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.  And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even life eternal" (1 John 2:17).   "If a man die, shall he live again?"  Indeed he will!  Therein is true hope!


by Tom Wacaster


Monday, September 12, 2011

A flight from Los Angeles was escorted by two F-16 fighter jets


Yesterday marked the tenth anniversary of the largest act of terrorism against our nation, better known to the world as 9/11.  Today's newspaper in Pittsburgh was filled with news items and articles surrounding this ominous anniversary.  Among these were several items regarding security scares at various airports and flights.  In New York, a flight from Los Angeles was escorted by two F-16 fighter jets because three passengers would not leave a plane bathroom.  In Detroit, a flight from Denver had three passengers who did the same thing.  In Dallas, a rental truck was parked too long at DFW airport prompting suspicion and fear.  In Kansas City, an ex-NYC police officer was detained for having suspicious items in his carry-on bag that he refused to let TSA screeners examine.  Nothing serious has yet come of any of these incidents, but the nation was on edge yesterday.  The anniversary probably brought out the neurotic in search of 15 minutes of fame, but the country was taking extra precautions.  It was probably the worst day to try these shenanigans (Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 9/12/11, A8).


Paranoia is detrimental and abnormal.  None of us should be guilty of such.  Seeing things that are not there is unhealthy.  Yet, there is a sense in which all of us should live with heightened sensitivity.  Peter says, "Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world" (1 Pet. 5:8-9).  Sobriety, alertness, and firm resistance are acts of heightened sensitivity.  Knowing the strength and influence of our opponent, we must stay keenly aware of his tactics and attempts.  One cannot be too guarded with this enemy.  Earlier, Peter writes for Christians to "prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit" (1 Pet. 1:13).  Paranoia involves perceiving what is not a real threat.  Vigilance involves perceiving what is.  Such is our daily task!


-- Neal Pollard 


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Saturday, September 10, 2011

A sermon on Matthew 5:4 - blessed are they that mourn


1)      Mt. 5:4 – READ

a)      Rom. 3:10 says none is righteous.

b)      Rom. 3:23 says "all have sinned" and fallen short of God's glory.

2)      God says He wants us to realize we have broken His law. 

3)      When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, God talked to them about what they had done.

4)      God wanted this couple to face the fact that they had broken His law.

5)      The Law of Moses was given to help people understand realize they were lawbreakers.

6)      God sent prophets to help people realize they had broken his laws.

7)      John the Baptist came to tell people they were transgressors.

8)      Jesus came to say man is so guilty of breaking God's laws, He had to give Himself as a sacrifice.

9)      It takes "poverty of spirit" (Mt. 5:3) to say "I am guilty of breaking God's laws."

10)  When people are willing to take this first step, they are not far from the second step.

11)  When we know we have broken God's laws, we can then "mourn" over our sin.

12)  If we do not mourn over sin, we are not going to make it to heaven.




a)      There is a time and place for fun and there is a time and place for mourning.

b)      God wants people to step back to see their spiritual condition and then react to it.

2)      There are nine different words used in the Greek New Testament to describe mourning.

3)      The strongest of these 9 words is the one Jesus chose to deliver this B-attitude.

4)      This word is so strong it describes mourning over the dead.

a)      When was the last time we ever grieved over a sin?

b)      Some grieve over a wrong because they got caught.

c)      This is the "sorrow of the world" and it has no spiritual value (2 Cor. 7:10)?

5)      When was the last time that sin pricked our hearts like we find in Acts 2:36?




1)      The balance we need to associate with Mt. 5:3 is also found in Mt. 5:4.

2)      Jesus did not mean Christians always need to always feel sorrowful.

3)      Some look at themselves and cannot see very much other than sin.

4)      Others look at themselves or others and don't see much to be sad about; this is also wrong.

5)      If we look at ourselves in a thoughtful and reflective way, we will find many flaws.

6)      If we look at our world, we also find many things that can discourage us.

7)      Sin creates much sadness for us and others.

8)      There is good news.

9)      As bad and as sad as sin it, better times are coming.

10)  Those who mourn over sin will be comforted.

11)  A time is coming when the saved will sin no more.

12)  A time is coming when the sin that surrounds the saved will disappear.

13)  A time is coming when sin and sinners will be bundled up and contained in the place called hell.

14)  If we are willing to recognize, mourn over, and deal with sin now, there is a great, great reward.


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A Halloween prank

----- Original Message -----
From: "Living Water" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2011 9:19 AM
Subject: More Than a Prank

LIVING WATER (Text Version)
An Outreach Publication of the Church of Christ

Ray Hawk recalls an incident from his college days:

When I was a college student in the late fifties, several of us from
Stratford, OK car-pooled to Ada for classes. We would meet downtown to ride
with whoever was driving that week.

One morning, right after Halloween, I pulled onto the one block stretch of
downtown stores and was surprised to see an outhouse standing in the middle
of the street. I parked, grabbed my camera and took several pictures. When I
had finished, I noticed the town constable walking my way. I greeted him.
His mood became visible very quickly.

"Why are you taking pictures?" he asked. I told him I thought it was an
unusual sight. He asked, "Did you have anything to do with this?" I replied
in the negative. His response was, "It seems strange that you just happened
to have a camera to take pictures of something that you didn't know anything
about until you arrived." I told him that I always carried my camera in the
car with me. Apparently satisfied, he turned and walked away.

Later I found out who had pulled the prank. Several of my college friends
had "borrowed" it and placed it on Main Street as a Halloween prank.

Pranks are often pulled during Halloween... Most are harmless, and people
laugh when their stories are told. Those that damage property or actually
hurt someone do not make their way into our folklore as being amusing.

The word prank is defined as, "A practical joke or prank is a mischievous
trick played on someone, especially one that causes the victim to experience
embarrassment, indignity, or discomfort." So, not everyone thinks they are
funny. Our town constable didn't. Neither did some of the storeowners. Folks
coming into town and finding the street blocked, didn't.

Those who had to move the outhouse probably lost their smiles when it came
to moving it.

Following Hawk's analogy and application, we learn a needed truth: It was
much more than a 'dirty prank'; it was an abominable LIE when the devil told
Eve, "You will not surely die," when she disobeyed the Lord (Genesis 3:4).
This lie has been perpetrated to this day. Sin is serious - deadly serious -
because it SEPARATES us from God (Isaiah 59:1-2), and 'the wages of sin is
DEATH' (Romans 6:23a)."

But the GOOD NEWS is that "the gift of God is eternal LIFE in Christ Jesus
our Lord" (Romans 6:23b). God so loved the world that He gave His Son Jesus
to die on the cross to pay the price of redemption for our sins (John 3:16;
Ephesians 1:7). He died for us so that we might have forgiveness and live
with Him for eternity!

To accept His gift of salvation and life, one must: place His faith and
trust in Jesus (Acts 16:30-31), turn from sins in repentance (Acts
17:30-31), confess Jesus before men (Romans 10:9-10), and be baptized
(immersed) into Christ for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38).

Here's the TRUTH: "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is
eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23).

Won't YOU accept God's gift on His terms?

David A. Sargent

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Our lives are filled with change and stages


Does it ever seem like the information age, our current age of technological advances, is all-consuming?  It has, according to a new survey, even impacted the attention span the average person gives to his or her mate once married.  The proverbial "seven year itch," for years a benchmark test of a relationship when romance and passion were eclipsed by annoyances and mundanity, has shrunk with society's attention span and attention to the other's needs as more important than self's.  


The survey of over 2000 Britons, a study commissioned by Warner Brothers, found that work, financial worries, and other facets of "hard work" in a relationship were leading couples these days more quickly to boredom and aggravation with one another.  Often, this has led to couples wanting more time apart from one another.  Too often, it has led to marital infidelity.  Detractions and annoyances in relationships leading to this "3-year-glitch" include such things as weight gain and lack of exercise, hygiene issues, in-laws, money (spending too much or too little), alcohol, snoring, lack of romance, fashion lapses, and more (some information from


As we step back from this study, we can observe several things.  First, these relational trends reflect society's general worldview.  Materialism and plenty, when focused and consumed upon self, can quickly lead to boredom.  Second, these relational issues are like the poor--"they are always with us" (cf. John 12:8).  They exist from the day we walk down the aisle together and embark on the honeymoon.  They are typically no worse at 50 years than they were at 50 seconds into the relationship.  That means that, each day we live in married life together, we must continually remind ourselves of all that's good in our mate and of all that drew us to him or her in the first place.  Marriage is not a license to let up but instead to lather up what was done in courting.  How dishonest to act one way to "get" someone and another once we "got 'em."  Third, marriage must be viewed as a marathon rather than a 40-yard-dash.  Our lives are filled with change and stages, and God's people learn to adjust and grow with them.


May we be dedicated to building the "All Our Years Rich" trend.  Whether God gives us only a few years together or 60 or 70, let us resolve to spend the time building up our mate and helping them go to heaven.  That will scratch any itch and fix any glitch!


--Neal Pollard   



Monday, September 5, 2011

Why I believe the Bible is true

IT IS OFTEN said that the Bible is it's own best interpreter... 
How true!  One of the great things in the New Testament is that we can see the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophesies.  Those things written before were written for our learning (Romans 15:4) and for our examples (I Corinthians 10:11).
We serve God who knows all things without the limitations of time that we have.  He knows the future as well as He knows the past and present.  To help us (and those before us) to have greater faith, He made promises in the prophecies and then fulfilled them in minute detail.  Jesus said, "These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me" (Luke 24:44). 
 For example:
 Isaiah (some 800 years before) prophesied that Jesus would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14).  Matthew 1:22,23 says, "Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, 'Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call His name Emmanuel,' which being interpreted is, God with us."
 Other examples of the New Testament explaining the prophecies include:
 Jesus came out of Egypt.                                                                               Hosea 11:1 & Matthew 2:15
The innocent babies would be slaughtered.                                                      Jeremiah 31:15 & Matthew 2:17       
The Lord would work in the area of Capernaum.                                                Isaiah 9:1,2 & Matthew 4:14  
Jesus came to bear our infirmities and sicknesses.                                          Isaiah 53:3,4 & Matthew 8:17
The Lord showed great compassion.                                                               Isaiah 49:6 & Matthew 12:17
The Spirit of the Lord was upon Jesus.                                                            Isaiah 61:1 & Luke 4:21
People would hear and not understand.                                                           Isaiah 6:9,10 & Matthew 13:13,14; John 12:37-41
Jesus would ride into Jerusalem on a donkey's colt.                                         Zechariah 9:9 & Matthew 21:4
Judas would betray Jesus.                                                                             Psalms 41:9 & John 13:18                 
Jesus was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver.                                                      Zechariah 11:12,13 & Matthew 27:9
Jesus was numbered with the transgressors.                                                   Isaiah 53:12 & Mark 15:28
The soldiers cast lots for Jesus' clothes.                                                         Psalms 22:18 & Matthew 27:35; John 19:24
Not one of Jesus' bones would be broken.                                                       Psalms 34:20 & John 19:36
 The odds of all of these (and more) being so perfectly fulfilled defy the skeptics to regard these as chance.  Instead, our faith in God and in His word, the Bible, grows when we see that He always keeps His word.  When we apply this to those promises for us, we have a hope that no one can take away from us.  Jesus promised that He is coming back.  He always keeps His promises.  Let's make sure we are ready.  (Roger Wright)        
"But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel" (Acts 2:16).
--Mike Benson

How to be saved

Are you wondering how to be saved? Are you searching for information on how to be saved? Do you want to know what God requires you to do to be saved from your sins? Learn how to be saved from sin and have heaven you home by visiting today! There is also a good discussion on how to be saved at

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I added my "Bible commentary" profile to flickr and it was EASY! Check it out at

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Are you interested in blogging? If you are looking for a "free blog" that is EASY to use, check out You can be up in running in just minutes - here is my first "Bible commentary" blog post:

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