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Friday, July 30, 2010

Christian Booth

       I read a story today about a teenager, Christian Booth, who fell off of a 200-foot cliff.  Apparently he and his friends were hiking, went off the trail, and decided to climb down the cliff to a cave.   Christian ended up slipping on some grass and falling 200 feet to the rocks below.  He suffered a many cuts, bruises, broken bones, as well as a broken face.  He had to be airlifted to a hospital, but despite his injuries he survived.
       We have all been through terrible falls in our life.  Hopefully none of them have been bad physical falls.  Spiritually we have all taken horrific falls into a life of sin.  Romans 3:23 says that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."  Our goal is to be with God, but our sin has caused us to fall and make us unable to reach that target.  Since none of us are perfect, we have all taken the fall.  Thankfully, when we become Christians, God brings us back up and saves us.  This does not mean we will not fall again though.
       As we think back to the story, why did Christian Booth fall?  It is simply because he strayed off of the path he was hiking on.  How many times we do ignore the danger and stray off the righteous path?  Sometimes we get enticed by the world and wander out towards the edge.  When we do this, we should also expect to fall.  Straying off of the spiritual path never leads to good things.  Let's always focus on staying safely on the spiritual path that leads to heaven.  There is nothing worth seeing on the way up that is off the path.
--Brett Petrillo

Business Proposal

Dear Friend,

Thank you for your response. I appreciate your interest to do this trasaction with me.

Before we go fully into this business let me start by introducing myself to you fully. I am Mr. Chen Guangyuan Foreign operations manager of the Bank of China


In June, 2002, our late client Mr. Ghazi Musa Hassan, an Iraqi Crude oil merchant made a numbered fixed deposit of Seventeen million three Hundred Thousand United

State Dollars (US$17,300,000.00) only in my branch. Upon maturity several notice was sent to him, even during the war (U.S and Iraqi war), Four years ago (2003). Again

after the war another notification was sent and still no response came from him. We later found out that Mr.Ghazi Musa Hassan, and his family had been killed during

the war in a bomb blast that hit his home at Mukaradeeb where his personal oil well was.

After further investigation it was also discovered that Ghazi Musa Hassan did not declare any next of kin in his official papers including the paper work of his bank

deposit. And he also confided in me the last time he was at my office that no one except me knew of his deposit in my bank. So seventeen million three Hundred Thousand

United State Dollars is still lying in my bank and no one will ever come forward to claim it. What bothers me most is that according to the laws of my country at the

expiration of nine{9} years the funds will revert to the ownership of the Hong Kong Government if nobody applies to claim the funds. Against this backdrop, my

suggestion to you is that I will like you as a foreigner to stand as the next of kin to Ghazi Musa Hassan so that you will be able to receive his funds.

I want you to know that I have had everything planned out so that we shall come out successful. I have an attorney that will prepare the necessary documents that will

back you up as the next of kin to Ghazi Musa Hassan, all that is required from you is to provide me with your Full Names and Address so that the attorney can commence

his job. After you have been made the next of kin, the attorney will also fill in for claims on your behalf and secure the necessary approval and letter of probate in

your favor for the movement of the funds to an account that will be provided by you. We are going to adopt a legalized method and the attorney will prepare all the

necessary documents in your favour.There is a reward for this project and it is a task well worth undertaking.There is no risk involved at all in the matter, I have

evaluated the risks and the only risk I have here is for you refusing to work with me and alerting my bank. I am the only one who knows of this situation, good fortune

has blessed you with a name that has planted you into the center of relevance in my life.

Please endeavor to observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this issue. Once the funds have been transferred to your nominated bank account we shall share

in the ratio of 70% for me, 30% for you. I send you this mail not without a measure of fear as to what the consequences, but I know within me that nothing ventured is

nothing gained and that success and riches never come easy or on a platter of gold. Please observe this instruction religiously.

Should you still be interested let me know and send me the informations below.



Mr. Chen Guangyuan

Isaiah 40

Sometimes I shake my head in disbelief as I consider what happened to ancient Israel. These people were the beneficiaries of incredible blessings from God. But still they turned away from the Lord to serve idols. How could such a thing happen?
Isaiah helps us understand the problem. In chapter 40, the prophet exhorted the people with these words: "...Lift up your voice with strength, lift it up, be not afraid; say to the cities of Judah, 'Behold your God!'" (Isaiah 40:9)
"Be not afraid," he wrote. But why would the people of God be afraid?
The land of Israel was constantly harassed by enemy nations. Located in a strategic spot just north of Egypt, Israel was envied by many. God had given Abraham's descendants a fertile and prosperous land, and other people wanted it. That's why Israel was afraid.
But should they have been afraid? Isaiah speaks to that question in verses 28 and 29:
 "Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength."
His message to Israel was simple: God gave you this land, and he is able to defend it from your enemies. Why don't you believe this, Israel? Have you not heard?
That's precisely our problem most of the time. When worry or fear grips our hearts we should ask ourselves, "Have we not heard? Have we not known?" God's promises are extended to his people today just as they were extended to Israel.
For too many, however, those promises are shrouded in darkness. They haven't been to the Word in a very long time. They've forgotten the power of the One who called them.
Bible reading sounds like the most mundane activity in the world. When we have so many exciting activities from which to choose, why should we make time to read such an old Book?
Sadly, most don't make the time. And as a result, they haven't known and they haven't heard about God's power and might. Their failure to read and meditate on God's word is exactly the reason why their lives are filled with fear and worry.
What strength comes to those who spend time reading their Bibles! We are reminded of God's past actions and comforted by his promises of help, both in the present and in the future.
 "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint" (Isaiah 40:31).
Tim Hall

100% LEGAL


Mr.Chen Guangyuan

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Winston Churchill teeth sold for $23,000

News from London this morning tells that a set of partials made for
the late Winston Churchill has sold at auction for over $23,000.
Churchill, of course, is well known.  His leadership in England during
World War II was crucial to that country's survival.  The dental
appliance just sold has been described as "the teeth that saved the

Does anyone really believe the claim that it was the teeth that saved
the world?  There were actually three identical sets of these partials
made for the late prime minister; another set resides in a museum.
Even without teeth, however, Churchill's courageous leadership came
from his heart and mind, not from his teeth.  But because he has
become so legendary, something as common as these false teeth have
taken on value.

Not surprisingly there have been many relics associated with the life
of Jesus Christ that have been prized highly.  Several centuries ago
there were many who claimed to have pieces of wood from the cross on
which the Lord died.  Someone once speculated that there were enough
of these pieces to build a replica of Noah's ark!  According to
Wikipedia, at least 30 nails are on display in various places, nails
which are claimed to have been used in Jesus' crucifixion.  We
seriously doubt that 30 nails were used in that horrible execution.

Even if religious relics could be proved to be authentic - which they
almost never can be - what are they really worth?  Should we value the
articles used by Jesus (e.g. the "holy grail"), or His thoughts and
words which have been delivered to us through Holy Scripture?

Judges 6-8 gives us information about the heroic deeds of Gideon.
With just 300 men he was able to rout an army many times larger than
his own.  In appreciation for his leadership the people of Israel
donated gold jewelry.  That gold was used to make an ephod (probably
something like a vest that Gideon wore).  The sad outcome of that is
found in Judges 8:27: "... And all Israel played the harlot with it
there.  It became a snare to Gideon and to his house."

Perhaps this explains why there seem to be no authentic relics
associated with Jesus or other Bible characters.  Maybe God knew that
such things would become a snare, distracting us from what is truly

What is "truly valuable"?  It's the message of salvation, of course.
Jesus pointed to the worth of the human soul in Matthew 16:26: "For
what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his
own soul?  Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?"  All the
treasures of earth would not make a person happy if they woke up in
eternity in torment (see Luke 16:19-25).

Paul once wrote about a treasure he possessed: "But we have this
treasure in earthen vessels ..." (2 Corinthians 4:7).  What was that
treasure?  The two verses preceding this verse make it clear that Paul
was referring to the message of salvation, and the "earthen vessels"
are the people who bear it.  In God's sight the material things are
not the things that hold ultimate value.

I'd much rather possess the truth that saves my soul than dubious iron
nails or the teeth of a dead man.  Upon which of these do you place
more value?

Come to the light God offers!  Study His word, the Bible.  Worship Him
in spirit and truth (John 4:24).  Get in touch with us if you'd like
to discuss these ideas further.
--Timothy D. Hall

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

National Baseball Hall of Fame

       203 players have been inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame.  This last Sunday, Andre Dawson became a part of that number.  During his 21-year career, Dawson achieved 438 homers, 2,774 hits, 1,591 RBIs (Runs Batted In), 314 stolen bases, and 8 All-Star appearances.  He is one of only three players to hit 400 homers and steal 300 bases.  Dawson truly was a great player, but despite all of his accolades, what really stood out was something he said during his speech.  Alluding to performance enhancing drugs, here is what he said; "There's nothing wrong with the game of baseball.  Baseball will, from time to time like anything else in life, fall victim to the mistakes that people make.  It's not pleasant and it's not right.  Individuals have chosen the wrong road, and they're choosing that as their legacy.  Those mistakes have hurt the game and taken a toll on all of us.  Others still have a chance to choose theirs.  Do not be lured to the dark side..." (Yahoo Sports).
       These are true and powerful words Dawson spoke. It seems that his words can apply beyond baseball.  Let's think about how these words can apply to our spiritual lives. Unfortunately, we will fall victim to our sin and the sins that other people commit.  These sins hurt us and others around us.  Similar to what Dawson said, this too is not pleasant and is not right.  Some people have chosen to lead a life walking in this darkness and are therefore without hope (1 John 1:6).  Thankfully, there are still many who have not been lured to the dark side and can still choose to walk in the light (1 John 1:7).  
       Dawson deserves to be in the National Baseball Hall of Fame. Others who have decided to turn to performance enhancing drugs should not be allowed, on any level, to be a part of such an honor.  We all want to be in God's "Spiritual Hall of Fame."   However, only those who follow God's rules can have this honor (Matthew 7:24-27).  There are only two types of people; those who walk in darkness and those who walk in light (1 John 1:5-7; John 8:12; etc).  Only those who are walking in the light can have fellowship with God and be a part of His "Spiritual Hall of Fame."  As Dawson said, "Do not be lured to the dark side..." What side are you on?
--Brett Petrillo


Have you ever had a spirited disagreement with anyone?  Have you been filled with indignation over what you were convinced was their wrong view?  If you have lived for any length of time, you have been incensed over the views and philosophies of others.  

But, you have not carried it as far as the Shammaites did around 66 AD.  There were two great teachers in the time right before the incarnation of Christ, Hillel and Shammai. They frequently found themselves on the opposite sides of a doctrine or Jewish tradition, and it is said they often took a position just to oppose the view the other took.  Perhaps the most famous disagreement occurred over what cause(s) one could divorce his wife under the old law.  Hillel took the broader, more liberal view, while Shammai's view of Deuteronomy 24:1 restricted the grounds to unchastity. In fact, Hillelites were often viewed as the faction taking the moral liberal view, though that was not always the case.  

Alfred Edersheim relates the debated obscure account of a particular dispute between these two groups over a number of questions.  The more nationalistic Shammaites pushed hard for a particularly anti-Gentile interpretation of 18 questions.  Edersheim writes, "In general, the tendency of these eighteen decrees was of the most violently anti-Gentile, intolerant, and exclusive character" (484).  The meeting to decide these 18 questions was held in the home of a Shammaite, and supposedly the Shammaites waited for the Hillelites in a lower room, murdering many of them (ibid., 166).  This gave the Shammaites the majority needed to have their views carried, and Edersheim builds a compelling case that these strongly anti-Gentile decrees led to war with Rome and the siege and destruction of Jerusalem prophesied by Jesus in Matthew 24.

The Shammaites would have considered themselves the purists and the conservatives, but they compromised biblical commands and principles in order to promote and defend their views.  This is a tendency against which we must ever guard ourselves.  We might be tempted to "stretch the truth," exaggerate the facts, or outright lie in order to "defeat" someone whose beliefs or teaching loose what God has bound.  We may gossip about someone whose immoral behavior we disapprove.  We might sin with our tongue or behavior in our indignation concerning a behavior or person we believe sinful.  The haunting reality, though, is that sin is sin.  Sinning to defeat sin is completely contradictory and futile.  The Shammaites illustrate this.  In fighting sin and immorality, we must keep our integrity and moral scruples intact.  Otherwise, we are the same as the very ones we seek to condemn.

--Edersheim, Alfed.  The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1993).
--Neal Pollard

Monday, July 26, 2010


Congratulations!!! You have won £250,000.00POUNDS from Pepsi Company award
2010,Please provide your Full name, Age, Sex, Country,Occupation, Phone
and Address and send them to: Mrs.FRANCESS DAVE, Phone #:+447011150911
+4407024015829 E MAIL: Mrs.Johannes Announcer







Dear Friend,



I am MR.MOHAMMAD MUSA; Manager of bill and exchange at the foreign remittance department of Bank of Africa (BOA) Ouagadougou , Burkina Faso . I would like you to indicate your interest to receive the transfer of US$15.2 Million. I will like you to stand as the next of kin to my late client (MR. PAUL LOUIS from Paris , France ) who died along with His entire family in 6th December 2003 in a plane crash.


Since we got information about his death, we have been expecting his next of kin to come over and claim his money because we cannot release it unless somebody applies for as next of kin or relation to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines but unfortunately we learnt that all his supposed next of kin or relation died alongside with him at the plane crash leaving nobody behind for the claim.


The Banking law and guideline here stipulates that if such money remained unclaimed after Eight to Nine years an above, the money will be transferred into the Bank treasury as unclaimed fund. I agree that 40 % of this money will be for you as foreign partner in respect to the provision of a foreign account, and while 60 %would be for me.


There after I will visit your country for disbursement according to the percentages indicated. Therefore to enable the immediate transfer of this fund to you as arranged, you must apply first to the bank as relations or next of kin of the deceased indicating your bank name, your bank account number, your private telephone and fax number for easy and effective communication and location where the money will be remitted. Upon receipt of your reply, I will send to you by fax or email the text of the application. I will not fail to bring to your notice that this transaction is hitch free and that you should no entertain any atom of fear as all required arrangements have been made for the transfer.


I will not fail to bring to your notice this transaction is hitch-free and that you should not entertain any atom of fear as all required Arrangements have been made for the transfer, please treat this business with utmost confidentiality and you should contact me immediately as soon as you receive this letter.


Please make sure you keep this transaction as your top secret and make it confidential till we receive the fund into the account that you will provide to the Bank. Don't disclose it to any body, because the secrecy of this transaction is as well as the success of it.


I am waiting to hear from you urgently.


Yours faithfully,


Mr. Mohammad Musa,

Is Life Worth Living?


    I find it appalling that philosophers and young intellectuals are debating whether or not life is worth living.  Many lives are ended simply because no worthwhile end is seen.  Thousands more are living dead men, addicted to liquor, drugs, or some other degenerate life because they are ignorant of the purpose of life itself.

    Even animals enjoy eating, sleeping, reproduction, and being the leader of the herd.  But God intended man, the jewel of His creation, to answer a higher calling.

    Part of the problem of despondency and futility is because of a false notion of what a successful life consists of.  Most judge the success of one's life by job position, things possessed, social status, and the temporary worldly pleasures he is able to participate in.  That mind-set is the worm that kills the apple.  We know that to be true because those who have all these things are still looking for something more (cf. Luke 18:18-23).

    Jesus says, "Is not the life more than food, and the body more than clothing?" (Matthew 6:25). Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10).  In genuine Christianity, one finds something to live for, something to hope for, and something to die for.

    However, the definition of "Christianity" has become so blurred, so watered down, and so adulterated that few are able to explain it in true Bible terms, much less live it.  The only thing that can set us free, the only thing that can give us something to live for and something to die for is the Truth.  It will set you free (John 8:32), if you will allow it to do so through faithful obedience to God's Word, which is Truth (John 17:17).

    The Cross of Jesus was not a "watered-down" Cross! He carried it all the way to Calvary – no pouting, no complaining, He just did it. How could He do it? He knew who He was, what His purpose was in this life, and where He was going (John 8:14).  Though He despised the shame of the Cross, He endured it by keeping His mind on the glory that awaited Him on the other side of His Cross (Hebrews 12:2). 

            The Bible recognizes ONLY those who do the will of the Father in Heaven as the brothers, sisters, and mothers of Jesus (Matthew 12:50;  Mark 3:35; Luke 8:21). Such are the ones who take up their cross daily and follow after Him (Luke 9:23). The only way to end up where Jesus is (in Heaven, Ephesians 1:20), is to follow Him. We must be faithful unto death (Revelation 2:10). We can do that only if we understand who we are, and, like Jesus, keep our mind on the glory that awaits us on the other side of our cross.           


Toby Miller

The Taking Of Jericho

            The first battle in the conquering of Canaan was one with incredible odds.  Having learned with the lives of the previous generation the high price of faithlessness, the present Israelite army would stop at nothing to do what their fathers had not done.  This initial test was formidable because of the wall around the city and the way they were told to take the city.  But, take it they did and the onslaught of the native inhabitants was underway.  Several lessons can be learned from Joshua and the rest of the Israelites' victory at Jericho.  Please consider them.
            The taking of Jericho was because of God (Josh. 6:2).  The Lord tells Joshua, "I have given Jericho into your hand."  It was the Lord's will that they conquer this city and its wicked citizens.  When one reads how incredibly the city was taken, he or she can see the hand of God in it.  Even today, our victories are only possible through the Lord (cf. Phil. 4:13).  He is the only One unbound by limitations and weakness.  Our victories are through Him.
            The taking of Jericho was conditional (Josh. 6:2).  God told Joshua that He had already given them Jericho.  It was as if it was past tense.  However, Joshua and his cohorts had to do what God said or the city would have remained in Canaanite hands.  In this regard, God has not changed.  He has promised all spiritual blessings in Christ (Eph. 1:3).  He has promised salvation through His Son (John 3:16).  These are real and blessed promises, but they are conditional, too.  Repentance and baptism are a condition for forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38).  Walking in the light and confessing our sins as Christians are conditions to maintaining fellowship with Christ (1 John 1:7-10). 
            The taking of Jericho was an incredible feat (Josh. 6:3).  When you read God's plan for taking the city, you have to wonder how much hesitation or concern the plan caused for His people.  From human eyes, the plan looked impossible.  Today, God's plan for reaching a lost world is through mostly average, ordinary Christians taking the Word to them.  His plan for accomplishing His purposes is dependent upon the freewill offering of members.  God's plans are still incredible, as we view things.  But, He consistently, repeatedly does the incredible through our weak and feeble resources.
            The taking of Jericho was according to a pattern (Josh. 6:3-7).  Go back and read through God's instructions for taking Jericho.  The commands were specific and precise, down to a certain number of times marched around the city and certain implements and actions.  Who thinks Israel would have taken Jericho by deviating from this objective pattern?  God still governs His people by means of an objective pattern.  It directs us in how worship is to be done, what is to be taught by way of obtaining salvation, our purpose as Christians on this earth, etc.  Do we expect God to bless us when we deviate from His model?
            The taking of Jericho was characterized by justice and grace (Josh. 6:22-25).  The wicked city's inhabitants were largely judged for their long-standing iniquity with an utter demonstration of justice.  The city was burned with fire (24).  "And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, ox and sheep and donkey, with the edge of the sword" (21).  But, there was Rahab the harlot.  She had prevented the people of Jericho from killing the two Israelite spies, and for her faith and works (cf. Js. 2:23-24) God showed grace and mercy to her and "all that she" had (22).  Even among the wicked people of Jericho, God was willing to show grace to those who put their trust in Him.  God remains a God of both justice and grace, each tempered and balanced by the other.  His justice demands a price paid for our sins, and His grace paid the price.  His justice demands a universal judgment and condemnation of the disobedient, but His grace provides eternal life for those who respond in obedient faith. 
How much we learn from this great event from Old Testament history (cf. Rom. 15:4)!
--Neal Pollard

We are pleased to inform you that you have been Awarded the sum of 750,000.00 GBP in the Toyota 2010 Program. Send your

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Brunel Hotel London
Head Office Addres 79-81 Gloucester Terrace,
London,UK Website

As per above request we need manpower to work in Brunel Hotel in UK. The total requirements will be 75 workers. just the year our hotel need outside workers not inside the London UK Workers that have the ability to work hard only need to apply and must come from non-criminal origin and must agreed to abide by the hotel?s rules and regulations. Details needed: Bio-data's of these workers in advance for us to do the shortlist before conduction of interview .Also important they must speak some English during interview. They will be tested on the spot and interviewed by the hotel management.Salary: is very attractive depending on experience to be found in our salary and benefit which will be forwarded to you for your perusal. Overtime: 2 hrs/day Public Holiday / Sunday: Double Pay The important thing here is speed. The hotel management wants the whole thing settled in45days time. If you can meet our requirement please reply for further procedures. The management will take care of your feeding,accommodation.
Branch Office 6th Floor
76 Shoe Lane
DX 449 London Chancery Lane
land phone: +447031827954, +447010040714
Fax.(0)+44 80 0240 9058
Inquiries:(0)+44 835 2100 893

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Greetings to you,

Greetings to you,

My name is Mr Hamed Zongo. I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of $11.3million to your private account. This money has been here in our Bank lying dormant for years now without anybody coming for the claim of it.

I want to release the money to you as the relative to our deceased customer(the account owner) who died a long with her supposed next of kin since 31 January 2000. By indicating your interest I will send you the full details on how the business will be executed.

Please respond urgently and delete if you are not interested.

Best wishes to you and your family.

Mr Hamed Zongo

"Ticket No: 8603775966738"

Your email I.D has just emerge as one of the Three Lucky Winners �500,000Pounds in the UK Award 2010 .file for claims with:

Mr.James Richard

You are requested to provide him with informations below:

Full Names:Marital Status: Age:Sex:Nationality:Country of Residence:Telephone number:

Mrs.Elizabeth James

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Dear Friend,

Dear Friend,
This message may Surprise you. Please accept my apology if it does embarrass you. However, it's my urgent need for a foreign partner that made me to contact you. I am a bank manager. I have an opportunity to transfer US$5.5 Million Dollars. I'm Inviting you for a business deal where this money can be share between us, I intend to offer to you 30% of the total sum on a provision of a foreign account where this fund can be remitted immediately.
Meanwhile, arrangement to facilitate the easy transfer of this fund without problem has already been put in place by my humble self, if you are interested kindly reply to indicate your interest, then i shall intimate you with the method of application and how you can apply to the bank for the release and transfer of the fund into your nominated bank account. In fact , the bank law stipulates that if such fund remains unclaimed over a given period of time, precisely 8 years ,the bank shall automatically transfer the fund into the bank treasury account as unclaimed or lost fund .Hence no one is putting claims to such funds , I want to also inform you that once you apply to this funds , no other person owns the right or eligibility to this account any more therefore the bank sees you as the true next of kin by making you the genuine owner of this account legally , even if the law has to prevail you are genuine and ascertain with all proofs of eligibility that I shall intimate you with later on, as we proceed in this transaction .
This account has been dormant since 2002 that i have been monitoring it .I do advice you to keep this as a top secret. I wait for your urgent reply once you are interested to be my partner kindly send the below information's
5. AGE…………
Mr. Umaru Hassan                                        
+226 78 25 78 34

How are you?

How are you?
I am Mr. Benson Collins. I got your information in a professional database when I was searching through Internet for a reliable, honest and trustworthy person to entrust this business. I am the Manager, Foreign Operations Department, (BOA) Bank Of Africa, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. I want you to indicate your interest to receive a transfer of $6.2 Million Dollars into your account for the benefit of both of us. I would like you to
stand as a next of kin to our deceased client whose account is presently dormant. I wish to inform you that 40% of this money will be for you as foreign partner, in respect to the provision of a foreign account, while the remaining 60% would be for me.
Thereafter I will visit your country for disbursement according to the percentages indicated above. Upon receipt of your reply, I will send to you a text of application, which you shall send to our bank as the next of kin to the deceased, also furnish you with the whole information of the deceased to enable you, stand legal to the claim.
Trust to hear from you as soon as possible and assured that this deal is 100% risk free. Incase if you need to know more about this deal, reply to my private e-mail address bellow;
yours faithfully,
Mr. Benson Collins

Friday, July 23, 2010

World Cup Soccer


I HAVE A confession--I didn't pay any real attention to the World Cup...

Yes, I dabbled in "football" (e.g., soccer) when I was a youngster, but the sport just didn't hold my attention. Sure, there was a lot of movement on the playing field, but a score of 2-1 or 2-0 just wasn't sufficient for my personal taste. There simply wasn't enough "scoring return" for all of that cumulative exertion. "He shoots--No!" "He shoots--No, he missed!" "He shoots--and the ball goes wide!" That mantra continued for all but a few, brief moments during every game. But enough about my sporting affections.

Several days ago, I stumbled across an article in USA Today pertaining to the World Cup. The piece said:

            "The Dutch will literally be praying for victory in the World Cup Final.

            On Sunday morning in the village of Obdam, north of Amsterdam, the
            Rev. Paul Vlaar and the members of his choir plan to wear orange 
            robes for Mass before the Netherlands' match against Spain kicks off
            in South Africa.

            The candles, piano and even the snacks served with coffee afterward
            will also bear the national hue.

            'I will say a special prayer and talk about the football game in my 
            sermon,' Vlaar said Thursday.

            He is expecting only a few hundred people in his small parish church,
            but the Catholic priest has caught the mood of the nation as it heads
            to its first World Cup final in 32 years..."  Friday . July 9, 2010 . 8C

I had to stifle a laugh when I first read those brief paragraphs. The big news of the day was about how a nation bowed in reverential prayer for a win over their European opponents.

May I ask a few questions...? Forgive my sarcasm, but a few points seem in order:

1. Have we really come so far as human beings that we think God is concerned with the outcome of a soccer match? With all of the issues that plague our planet and the souls of mankind, is the Almighty bending His ear to hear prayers about an activity with no eternal dimensions?

2. Have we become so selfish that we can petition the Lord for a victory in this realm? James said, "You ask and do not receive because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures" (James 4:3). Toask amiss is to ask for the wrong reason. "Lord, help us to crush the Spaniards today as we battle them for supremacy in this epic struggle..."

3. The apostle Paul's mandate to preachers says, "Preach the Word..." (2 Timothy 4:2a). Read that again slowly, "Preach...the...Word." And why are we to preach the Word? Because it's the only message for a lost and dying world (cf., 1 Corinthians 1:18, 21). A worship service and a sermon that majors on the outcome of a football game obviously can't accomplish the Lord's purpose. People are hell-bound and separated from the Father (Romans 3:23). They need the Word, not ESPN.

4. Paul spoke of those "whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame--who set their mind on earthly things" (Philippians 3:19). Earthly things, perhaps like a football match?

If this whole situation weren't so sad, it would be humorous. Dear friends, God is not Santa Claus--One who grants our whims like a child's Christmas list. Worship is not about my wants; it's about what the Lord desires and commands.  --Mike Benson

Kentucky peach orchard


The words "vegetable" and "fruit" both evoke positive responses in my
mind.  Veggies are good for me, I know, and I happen to like most of
them.  When gardening season is in full swing, I can make my supper
entirely out of fresh vegetables.  Green beans, corn, summer squash,
black-eyed peas, etc. make for a mighty tasty meal (with a little
cornbread on the side, thank you).

If I have to choose between the two, however, I'll probably reach for
the fruit.  There is an amazing variety of fruits: apples, pears,
strawberries, cantaloupes, pineapples, etc.  My visits to other
countries have introduced me to previously unknown fruits.  I can't
remember any that I have not enjoyed.  The natural sweetness that
bursts upon the taste buds keeps me reaching for more.

Within the past week I've had the double pleasure of enjoying fruits
even as I harvested them.  A week ago I visited a peach orchard in (of
all places!) Kentucky.  Being able to walk out into the grove and pick
half a bushel of these sweet treats was a sensory rush.  Two days ago
a trip into Western North Carolina took me to a blueberry farm.  For
two hours I enjoyed spectacular scenery as I plucked plump berries
from well-cultivated bushes.  (More than a few of these made their way
into my mouth while I picked.)

I often wonder what kinds of fruit were found in the Garden of Eden,
man's first home.  Genesis 1-3 tells us about this place, and we learn
that God Himself planted the fruit trees found there (Genesis 1:11).
Whatever was there was for the enjoyment of Adam and Eve (except for
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Genesis 2:17).

Another fact is noted in the first chapter of the Bible's first book:
"And God said, 'See, I have given you every herb that yields seed
which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit
yields seed; to you it shall be for food'" (Genesis 1:29).  Within
each piece of fruit God placed seeds.  Not only did the Lord provide
the delicious fruit, but He also provided the means to keep it coming.

Fruit is at the heart of an image used by Jesus in John 15:1,2: "I am
the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser.  Every branch in Me
that does not bear fruit He takes away, and every branch that bears
fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit."  This lesson points
directly at you, me and all who claim to follow Jesus.  Our primary
purpose, Jesus said, is to produce fruit.

Paul said more about the fruit we are to bear in Galatians 5:22,23.
Life in Christ should lead us to develop qualities like love, joy,
peace, kindness and gentleness.  Those traits are not common outside
of Christ, but most will agree they are "sweet".  They're also
wholesome, helping to build up our own souls as well as others who
taste them.

Packaged within each sweet act of Christian service should also be the
"seed" that will lead others to grow such fruit in their own lives.
Such acts will not usually grab headlines; Jesus spoke of giving
someone a cup of cold water "in the name of a disciple" (Matthew
10:42).  When done "in the name of a disciple", we are not boasting
but pointing to the source of all good traits.

Enjoy God's natural sweetness.  And become a spiritual Johnny

Timothy D. Hall.

Who Is Jesus?

WHEN WE READ a myth or legend, we instinctively understand that we are in the world of fable...
We switch gears when we read it; in the words of the poet Coleridge, we "suspend disbelief."  But the Gospels are set in a real world of needs: wine running out at a wedding; hungry crowds with not enough food; fruitless fishing trips; and no money for the tax bill.  Into this world quietly breaks the miraculous, which seems as ordinary as the hassles.  In myth, extraordinary people in an extraordinary world do extraordinary things.  In the Gospels, the extraordinary love and compassion of a remarkable Man radiates and illuminates an ordinary world.  Paul E. Miller, "Who Is Jesus?," Love Walked  Among Us, 19
"How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healling all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him."  Acts 10:38
--Mike Benson

Boxing With God

 Boxing is not as popular as it was in the last century.  Great pugilists such as Cacius Clay (Mohammed Ali), Joe Lewis, and George Foreman were as well known as popular baseball greats or football heroes of today.  Old men often talk of the "fight of the century," or the "match at Madison Square Garden that would go down in history."  As great as some of those boxing contests might have been, they pale in comparison to the TKO that God gave Pharaoh as recorded in Exodus chapter 14.    In order to appreciate the points we will make in this week's "Tom's Pen," let me encourage you to take just a moment and read Exodus 14:15-31, for it is in that chapter that we read of Pharaoh's final attempt to thwart the purpose and plan of God.  The very words thrill our soul and encourage us!  What must it have been like for those who were there?  What impression did it leave on their hearts and minds?  This passage might very well be divided into the following homiletic outline:  (1) Pharaoh's Fist, 14:5-10; (2) Israel's Fear, 14:11-12; (3) Moses' Faith, 14:13-14; (4) God's Fight, 14:15-21; (5) Pharaoh's Foolishness, 14:23-28; and (5) Israel's Faith, 14:22 and 29-31.  It is the fourth point where we find Pharaoh boxing with God.


It has been at least four decades since I heard a sermon titled, "Boxing with God."  Today I could not give you the details of that sermon, or the date when I heard it.  But the title of that sermon made a lasting impression upon me at that time, so much so that I find myself often thinking of the foolishness of men who have found themselves "boxing with God."  Pharaoh had "climbed into the ring" with God, and that arrogant and rebellious king would soon realize that he was "boxing with God."  God would knock Pharaoh out in three swift punches. First, God opened a way for Israel's deliverance and the means of Pharaoh's destruction.  "Stretch out thine had over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea" (14:16).  That same open sea, and dry ground, would tempt Pharaoh to "follow them," but this to his ultimate destruction.  Second, God stood between Pharaoh and Israel, providing a fire of light to Israel, and a cloud of darkness to their enemies (14:19-20).  God protected Israel while fighting Pharaoh, "so that the one came not near the other all night" (14:20).  Third, God "troubled the host of the Egyptians" (14:24).  The Hebrew 'hamam' means "to put in commotion, to disturb, crush, discomfit, or vex" (Strong).   This would be followed by the complete destruction of Pharaoh's army with the flood waters of the Red Sea as they returned upon these enemies of God.  With a one-two-three punch, God rescued Israel and destroyed their enemies so that they would "see them again no more forever" (14:13). 


There is an important truth that emerges from this incident.  Pharaoh is an example of the masses of humanity who have, in their persistent rebellion against God, passed the point of no return in their rebellion and opposition to the Almighty and who will, on that final Judgment Day, find themselves the recipients of God's knock-out blow to all of His enemies.  There is a day coming, when all of the enemies of God shall be cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 19:20).  The atheists and agnostics, the greedy and the godless, the enemies and enraged antagonists of God Almighty shall meet their Maker as did Pharaoh of old.  In that day the abortionist will know that life began at conception. In that day every evolutionist (theistic evolutionists included) will know that the Biblical account is precisely how it all began.  In that day every Senator and Representative in Washington will know you cannot govern a nation without the aid and blessing of Jehovah God.  In that day, when we, as God's people, are received into heaven and the arrogant and antagonistic enemies of God are overwhelmed in the fiery flood that shall come upon them, we will realize that our struggles have been worth it all.   When time gives way to eternity, and this world and all therein is burned up (2 Peter 3:10-12), you and I will sit at the feet of the God who has redeemed us, and we will not only sing the song of Moses – we will sing the song of Moses and the Lamb for all eternity!  Won't that be a grand day? --Tom Wacaster



Financial aid from FDV,Contact Dr.Razaq Immediately.

Worldwide Donation Program "helping one to help
I have been directed to inform you that you have been
chosen for a cash grant of 1,000,000.00usd (1million) by
the board of trustees of the above stated non-
governmental aid organisation.
Your grant number is B01-0147. Contact Rev.dr seun razaq
via telephone
+2348051809752 email, and
provide these
details: 1).Full name. 2).Address 3).Telephone number.
[Cell preferably] (4).Occupation.

Adolfo Pepe

Financial aid from FDV,Contact Dr.Razaq Immediately.

Worldwide Donation Program "helping one to help
I have been directed to inform you that you have been
chosen for a cash grant of 1,000,000.00usd (1million) by
the board of trustees of the above stated non-
governmental aid organisation.
Your grant number is B01-0147. Contact Rev.dr seun razaq
via telephone
+2348051809752 email, and
provide these
details: 1).Full name. 2).Address 3).Telephone number.
[Cell preferably] (4).Occupation.

Adolfo Pepe

Dear Friend,

Dear Friend,
        I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise as we have never met before, but need not to worry as I am using the only secured and
confidential medium available to seek for your foreign assistance in a business. I am contacting you independently of my investigation and no one
is informed of this communication.
       I need your assistance in transferring the sum of $15 million US Dollars, immediately to your private account. The money has been here in our
bank lying dormant for more than 6 years now without anybody coming for the claim of it.
       I want to release the money to you as the nearest person to our deceased customer (the account owner), who died along with his supposed next
of kin since November 2004. The banking ethics here does not allow such money to stay more than 6 years because the money will be recalled to the
bank treasury as an unclaimed fund.
       Upon receipt of your reply, indicating your interest in this transaction, I will send you full details on how the business will be
executed. Please keep this proposal as a Top Secret and do remember to please reply me through my private email address below.
Best regards,
Stanley Goodluck.( )

Dear Friend,

Dear Friend,
        I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise as we have never met before, but need not to worry as I am using the only secured and
confidential medium available to seek for your foreign assistance in a business. I am contacting you independently of my investigation and no one
is informed of this communication.
       I need your assistance in transferring the sum of $15 million US Dollars, immediately to your private account. The money has been here in our
bank lying dormant for more than 6 years now without anybody coming for the claim of it.
       I want to release the money to you as the nearest person to our deceased customer (the account owner), who died along with his supposed next
of kin since November 2004. The banking ethics here does not allow such money to stay more than 6 years because the money will be recalled to the
bank treasury as an unclaimed fund.
       Upon receipt of your reply, indicating your interest in this transaction, I will send you full details on how the business will be
executed. Please keep this proposal as a Top Secret and do remember to please reply me through my private email address below.
Best regards,
Stanley Goodluck.( )



My dear I am contacting you in regards to a business transfer of a huge sum of money from a deceased account. Though I know that a transaction of this magnitude will make anyone apprehensive and worried, but I am assuring you that all will be well at the end of the day. I decided to contact you due to the urgency of this transaction.

PROPOSITION; I discovered an abandant sum of $11.5M(Eleven Million Five Hundred thousand United states Dollars) in an account that belongs to one of our foreign customers who died along with his entire family. Since his death, none of his next-of-kin or relations has come forward to lay claims to this money as the heir. I cannot release the fund from his account unless someone applies for claim as the next-of-kin to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines. Upon

this discovery, I now seek your permission to have you stand as a next of kin to the deceased as all documentations will be carefully worked out by me for the funds $11.5M(Eleven Million Five Hundred thousand United states Dollars) to be released in your favour as the beneficiary's next of kin.It may interest you to note that I have secured from the probate an order of madamus to locate any of deceased beneficiaries.

Please acknowledge receipt of this message in acceptance of my mutual business endeavour by

furnishing me with the following;
1. Your Full Names and Address.

2. Direct Telephone and Fax numbers.

These requirements will enable me file a letter of claim to the appropriate departments for necessary approvals in your favour before the transfer can be made. I shall be compensating you with $4.6 Million Dollars on final conclusion of this project, while the rest $6.9Million shall be for me. Your share stays with you while the rest shall be for me for investment purposes in your

If this proposal is acceptable by you, do not take undue advantage of the trust I have bestowed in you, I await your urgent email.

Yours, faithfully,

From The Desk of Mr Ibrahim Dewu

From The Desk of Mr Ibrahim Dewu
    The Auditing And Accounting Manager
   African Development Bank (ADB)
   Ouagadougou-Burkina Faso.
     Telephone 00226 78 60 35 53.
      Dear Sir/Madam      
I sincerely ask for forgiveness for I know this may seem like a complete intrusion to your privacy but right about now this is my option of communication. This mail might come to you as a surprise and the temptation to ignore it as unserious could come into your mind; but please consider it as a divine wish and accept it with a deep sense of humility.
 I am aware that this is certainly an unconventional approach to starting a relationship.I am Mr Ibrahim Dewu, the personal account officer to the great late diseased who has an account in one of our banks here in Burkina Faso . The account was opened in 2001 and he died in 2004 without a written or oral WILL and since 2004 nobody has operated on this account again hence the money is floating and if I do not remit this money out urgently it will be forfeited for nothing and Government of Burkina Faso will confiscate the funds for their personal use which I personally don't want such incident to happen being that this is a great opportunity for me.
My contact is for you to please assist me to transfer the fund ($10.6000.00 USD) Ten Million Six Hundred Thousand United State Dollars from a Cooperate Bank here in Burkina Faso to an overseas account. First, I must solicit your strictest confidence in this transaction. This is by virtue of its nature as being utterly confidential. I am sure and have confidence of your ability and reliability to prosecute a transaction of this great magnitude. I solicit your assistance to enable us transfer the said amount into your safe account for onward investment.
You can either provide us with an existing account or to set up a new Bank account immediately to receive this money, even an empty a/c can serve to receive this money, as long as you will remain honest to me till the end of this important business trusting in you and believing that you will never let me down either now or in future because this business is my life. The owner of this account is a foreigner and no other person knows about this account or anything concerning it, the account has no other beneficiary and until his death he was the manager of the company. My investigation through the National immigration department & Ministries here proved to me as well that he was single as at the time of his entry into the Republic of Burkina Faso . As a matter of fact, I have decided to transfer this fund abroad for investment and also to use my own share of the fund to take my wife to abroad for liver damage treatment. Your assistance as a foreigner is necessary because the management of the bank will welcome any foreigner who has correct information to this account which I will give to you immediately, if you are interested to do this business with me. There is no risk in this business. With my position here in the bank the money can be transferred to any account you can provide with assurance that this money will be intact pending our physical arrival in your country for sharing. Upon successful transfer without any disappointment from your side, I am only contacting you as a foreigner because this money cannot be approved to a local person here, but can only be approved to any foreigner who has the correct information of the account, which I will provide for you. So you should provide me with your correct account details where you will like the fund to be transferred to, or you can set up a new account for the transfer even an empty account is ok. At the conclusion of the transfer you will take 40%, 10% will be for any expenses both parties incurred in the process of this business and the remaining 50% will be for me. As soon as I hear from you and upon your strong assurance that you will not let me down once the fund goes into your account I will then send you the Text of application form which you will fill with your banking information and send to my bank here for immediate transfer of the fund to your account. If you are interested, please forward the following information as below:
{1} Your Name/company's name and full address,
{2} Bank Name:............
{3} Bank Address...
{4} Account No:.........
{5} Swift Code...{if any}
{6} Account Holder's Name: ..........
{7} your telephone Num. both Home, Office & Cell/Mobile and fax
{8} Your Occupation
{9} Your Valid ID.
Waiting for your urgent reply confidentially at my private email address : (
Mr Ibrahim Dewu.

Urgent !!!

Permit me to approach you in this manner. I am Capt. Martin Long of the US Marine in Ba'qubah,Iraq. We have the sum of $15,500,000.00 we made from some Crude Oil deal that we want you to help us to receive. Since we are working here on Official capacity we cannot keep this funds hence my contacting you. If you are interested, do get back to me so that i can give you further details.

Capt. Martin Long

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Compliment of the Day.

Compliment of the Day.
Although you might be apprehensive about my email as we have not met before, My Name is Mr.Issa Smith.
Credit Officer, Bank Of Africa Burkina Faso, I have a business proposal in the tune of $15million to be transferred to an offshore account with your assistance.This however is not mandatory nor will I in any manner compel you to honour against your will. I would like you to read on and consider the value I offer.
 Once the funds have been transferred to your nominated bank account we shall then share in the ratio of 60% for me, 40%  for you. Should you be interested.
Please treat this business with utmost Confidentiality and send me the following data's:Finally after that I shall provide you with more details Together with my Staff ID Card.
3.Full Current residential address...........
4.Private phone number...........



Thank for your anticipated co-operation

Bills & Exchange Manager
Dear Friend,   
Sorry to distract your attention, I am Mr Moses Favour  the bill and exchange manager in the bank of Africa Ouagadougou Burkina Faso. In my department, I found the deposited fund amounted $30M (Thirty Million United States Dollars) owned by a disease customer who died in the air crash with his entire family. However, I shall detail you with the full information as soon as I hear from you.
Can you be able and capable to assist me by providing me with your receiving bank account where this fund will lodge in your favour?
I shall give you 30% of the total sum as soon as this fund hits your account and I shall visit you in your country for the shearing. Please this is very confidential.
If you are interested, please forward me the bellow
Your name:
Your country:
Bank name and address
phone Number:
Your Tel/fax:
Your age:
Your occupation:
Thank for your anticipated co-operation
Contact me through this email id
Mr Moses Favour

Monday, July 19, 2010


The Agony of Deceit is a book edited by Michael Horton written to expose the fraud of so many televangelists out there.  Yet, his book is not entirely written in fury and rage against the perpetrators of the deceit.  He also focuses on the responsibility hearers have in being discerning.  Horton writes, "A lot of people, I think, who watch Benny Hinn or watch the TV evangelists more generally, think that what they're saying is authoritative--after all they're on TV and they've written books. And we've lost the capacity to think critically and to weigh people in light of what the scriptures teach" (as quoted in  It is all the more amazing that Horton edited this book 20 years ago.  Televangelism may have lost some steam, but Horton's observation is timeless.  Any time and place where people are not in the Book and do not see the Bible as an objective, authoritative standard that could not be more relevant and meaningful to their lives, people are rife to be religiously deceived.

Look at how often New Testament writers warn churches and individuals about the danger of being deceived.  Paul warns Ephesus, "Let no one deceive you with empty words" (Eph. 5:6).  Paul warns Thessalonica, "Let no one in any way deceive you" (2 Th. 2:3).  Paul warns Timothy, "But evil men and imposters will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived" (2 Ti. 3:13).  Paul tells Titus, "For there are many rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers" (Ti. 1:10).  John tells the chosen lady and her children, "Many deceivers have gone out into the world" (2 Jn. 7).

Why all the warning?  God knows that intellectual laziness regarding scripture makes us quick and easy prey for deceivers.  He knows the agony that falling for such will bring into our lives, especially in light of eternity.  The antidote to deception is reception (Js. 1:21--"in humility receive the word implanted") and conception (Ps. 119:104--"From Your precepts I get understanding; therefore I hate every false way").  Maybe we would not ever think ourselves capable of falling for a Benny Hinn, but we must guard against those much more subtle, crafty, and nearer to biblical truth who nonetheless are teaching error.  Information and perspiration leads to transformation and away from spiritual deformation.
--Neal Pollard

What kind of ice cream does Jesus like?

            Over the car radio came the words of a song in a very irreverent context, "What kind of ice cream does Jesus like?"  I don't know about you, but references to Jesus and other spiritual matters in such an uncouth way ignites an offensive posture in me (cf. 1Samuel 17:26b). The refrain is just another attempt to make Jesus a common "good ole boy."  Jesus never has, and never will be "common."

             Jesus never has, and never will be associated with any rock group. He is not a "soul man."  He is not a "superstar," and He is not just another "good ole boy!" Though Jesus was "man" (2Timothy 2:5), He was far above our equal. In Him dwelt the fullness of the Godhead bodily (Colossians 2:9). He was Deity (John 1:1). He was equal with God the Father (Philippians 2:6). He took on the "form" of a bondservant…and came in the "likeness" of man…and was found in "appearance" as a man (Philippians 2:7-8).

            Jesus is not just another one of "us" who is interested in ice cream and cake.  He is the Christ, Savior, Son of Man, Almighty, Wonderful, Counselor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God, the Great I Am, the Alpha and Omega, the Lamb of God, the Lion of Judah, Emmanuel, Lord of Lords, King of kings, and Redeemer!

            Don't call Him, refer to Him, or treat Him in a "common" way. His message and life were the most UNcommon of all ages. He is the only One who has the power to help us escape being common. Let us not lower Him to our level, but rather strive (Luke 13:24), to rise up to His standards, because His words will be our final Judge in eternity (John 12:48-50). 


--Toby Miller

Sunday, July 18, 2010

"Unknown tongues"

I've got several thoughts bouncing around in my head that I believe will teach some short, scriptural lessons so I think that I'll just put them down here on paper (or, more technically correct, the screen) and float them out there for you to consider.

My first little lesson is based upon a passage written by Paul in 1 Cor. 14:2-9 where he's talking to the Corinthians about speaking in "unknown tongues." IE: A language that the listeners don't understand. I thought about this passage when I was watching an old western/comedy movie a while back entitled "Texas Across The River." Here's why I connected the two; the movie and the passage by Paul.

One scene in the movie has a troop of cavalry pursuing one of the main characters and the officer in charge keeps yelling orders that the troopers can't understand. Two of the soldiers keep looking at each other and asking "What'd he say?" I know, it doesn't sound funny here, but if you watch the movie, it's hilarious. Now, even though it's a funny scene, it speaks to what Paul is saying to the Corinthians about speaking in a language that no one else understands.

In other words, all it does is cause confusion. Paul uses a couple of allegories in getting this message across to the members at Corinth. He uses musical instruments, the "pipe and harp," as in playing a song and says they have to sound the notes distinctly or no one can tell what's being played. They won't hear the melody, so to speak.

The other allegory he uses is the "trumpet" as it's used in a military setting. This is what reminds me of the movie. Paul says that if the bugler doesn't sound his notes clearly, the soldiers won't know what they're supposed to do. IE: Do we charge or retreat? Like the two troopers in the movie: "What'd he say?"

The lesson, in the words of this author is: babbling in some gibberish or unintelligible words, doesn't further the cause of Christ one iota. It just causes confusion which makes it antithetical, contrary, oppositional, and several other big words, to the Gospel. We could even throw in the word hostile.

Next lesson: There's a beautiful old hymn entitled "Gathering Flowers For The Master's Bouquet." That song came to mind when I heard a preacher once say in his sermon that the Lord's bouquet isn't made up of just one kind of flower. He was referring to the members of The Church being from all nationalities and walks of life. When Christ said "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature" that means the results of that preaching will cause the Body to consist of souls from all over the world. From all nations and all the different levels of society.

What brought the memory of the hymn and the sermon to my mind? Actually something very simple. Something that we see all the time and since it's so common to us, we never seem to notice it or if we do, we don't see it in a scriptural sense. I'm referring to America's national motto: E PLURIBUS UNUM. It's on every dollar bill and on the Great Seal of America. It's meaning: "FROM MANY, ONE."

I know that the Church doesn't have a motto made up of man's words, but wouldn't those three Latin words accurately describe the Church? And don't those words fit with the "ONE'S" that we find in Ephesians the 4th chapter? Where we read that we're all "ONE BODY" united in "ONE SPIRIT" and worshiping "ONE LORD, ONE FAITH, ONE BAPTISM" and "ONE GOD AND FATHER OF ALL."

And if you think about the "bouquet of Christians" occupying God's "vase" (my metaphor for the Church) doesn't our motto fit that also? From all the flower beds of the world, "FROM MANY, ONE." The Master truly has a beautiful bouquet.

I just mentioned the word "baptism" and I'd like to use it for our last short lesson today. Countless sermons have been preached on baptism and the need for it, plus it being commanded by Christ. (Mt. 28:19 and Mk. 16:16) But for some reason, some do not seem to grasp why it's necessary. I'd like to offer a simple little lesson, one that I once used in teaching a class, that I feel explains its necessity about as simply as I know how.

Baptism is a cleansing of the soul. You see, we're all issued one by God at the time of conception. (Eccl. 12:7) If we think of our soul as a "garment," we soil our garment while we go through life here on earth. Maybe "soil" is too soft of a word because we see the Bible talk in places about the "filth of the world." We are continually getting into places where we're getting our "garment" filthy. To borrow Isaiah's words when he describes our "righteousness" we've turned our pure, clean and perfect "garment" into "filthy rags." (Isa. 64:6)

Now here is why we need baptism. That soul, that "garment" we were issued will someday return to God. (Again see Eccl. 12:7) It cannot go back to God in a filthy condition and be acceptable to Him. If it returns in that condition, it will be rejected and will not be allowed to remain where He is. I think you have a pretty good idea where "rejected" souls are sent.

Simply put, our "garments," our "souls" have to be cleansed while they are here on this earth and baptism is the only laundry available and capable of doing that.

Now I told you this lesson in my words, but let me cite the words of the Apostle Peter to you in closing: "The like figure (Noah) whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ." (1Pet. 3:21)

Ron Covey

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Bible: Criticized and Scrutinized


The Bible is, without doubt, the greatest book ever written.  Consisting of 66 books, it stands as a monumental representation of heaven's love for mankind.  From the moment that God's word has gone forth to man, Satan has scrutinized, criticized, de-emphasized and sought to minimize the Holy word.  Critics have assailed its "contradictions" and "inconsistencies."  But the honest seeker knows that all such attempts to find fault with Scripture are mere subterfuge, and a whistling in the wind.  The Bible has survived the onslaught of critics, and the more scrutiny and examination the Bible receives, the more it shines.  A few years ago brother Curtis Cates wrote the following: 


"No book has ever been scrutinized so closely or vigorously, and, I might say, viciously.  The microscope and the telescope of man have been applied to 'the Book of books,' but the more close the investigation and the more detailed the study, the more beautiful its fabric. The productions of men undergo but a mere fraction of a fraction of such investigation; they are examined, riffled through, and somewhat rigorously tested at the mercy of mankind; and such results in their complete exhaustion and abandonment. Man moves on to other thoughts, other pursuits, and other works. Now, why does the Bible multiply in its beauty and complexity [as a snowflake or a butterfly wing under a microscope] as its innermost thoughts, precepts and principles are dissected and scrutinized?  That, my friend, is he difference between the meager and fallible works of finite man and the inexhaustible and vibrant revelation of the infinite Creator! 'The law of Jehovah is perfect, restoring the soul' (Psa. 19:7)."  


Beloved, we hold within our hands the map that can help us to successfully chart the troubled seas of life. It is the compass that will ultimately lead us across the Jordan into the Promised land. Have faith, weary pilgrim!  The Book is true, the Author trustworthy, and the hope sure and steadfast.  For this we give thanks, and to this end we have committed our very souls.  No doubt many of you have either read or heard the following, with which we will close this week's article:


The Hammer And The Anvil

by John Clifford


Last eve I passed beside a blacksmith's door

And  heard the anvil ring the vesper chime;

When looking in, I saw upon the floor,

Old hammers, worn with beating years of time.


"How many anvils have you had," said I,

"To wear and batter all these hammers so?"

"Just one," said he; then said with twinkling eye,

"The anvil wears the hammers out, you know."


And so, I thought, the anvil of God's word

For ages skeptics' blows have beat upon;

Yet, though the noise of falling blows was heard,

The anvil is unharmed - the hammers gone!

-- Tom Wacaster


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