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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Things people want in a church

What Are You Looking For?


Many people are looking for a “new church home.”  Perhaps they have recently moved to different community. Perhaps they feel a desire to make religion a part of their lives, either for the first time or a renewal of earlier interest. Having children sometimes prompts parents to seek spiritual training for their family. Often, people are looking for a new church because they are dissatisfied with their old one.

Whatever the motive, people are looking for a new church. But what kind of church? What are they looking for? What are you looking for?

-    Some are looking for a traditional church, just like the one they left behind or the one they grew up in.

-    Some are looking for an innovative church, one completely different from anything they have ever experienced.

-    Some are looking for a convenient church, one which is located nearby that will minimize their travel time.

-    Some are looking for a friendly church, one that will quickly welcome them and make them feel special.

-    Some are looking for a large church, where they can get lost in the crowd.

-    Some are looking for a small church, where they can get to know everyone well, or in some cases where they can be more prominent and exert more influence.

-    Some are looking for an exciting church, one with emotionally stirring assemblies.

-    Some are looking for an entertaining church, where the music is like a concert and the preacher is part comedian.

-    Some are looking for a tolerant church, where no one will rebuke them if they (or a family member) live a sinful lifestyle.

-    Some are looking for a providing church, one with all kinds of programs and services such as day care, schools, recreational outings, exercise classes, etc.

-    Some are looking for an elite church, where they will be able to make a name for themselves or make some good business contacts by mixing with the upper class.

Something’s missing here, isn’t it? What we ought to be seeking is a truthful church, one that follows the New Testament pattern, upholds God’s revealed truth (1 Timothy 3:15), and keeps the emphasis where He put it: on man’s spiritual needs.

What we are looking for in a church says a lot about us. Honestly, are we trying to please God or ourselves?

- by Frank Himmel



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