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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sermon on Jn. 3:16 - free sermon on Jn. 3:16

"Do We REALLY Believe?"
 Many people quote John 3:16, "... whosoever believeth in Him ..." then say, "I believe in Jesus, so I'm going to be saved!"  Christianity is not a life of mental acknowledgement to the fact that Jesus is God's Son. It is living a life that proves one believes Jesus is God's Son. Consider the following:
A.  Do we really believe that no one can serve two Masters (Matt. 6:24)? Then why is our Christianity subject to our own personal interest?
B.  Do we really believe that one must seek the Kingdom of God first? (Matt. 6:33).  Then why is "church" on our schedule only in so far as it doesn't conflict with other things we want to do?
C.  Do we really believe that we must walk the narrow path to eternal life? (Matt. 7:13-14).  Then why are so many professing Christians so broad-minded?
D.  Do we really believe that we are not to fear those who can only harm the body, but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both body and soul in Hell? (Matt. 10:28).  Then why do we allow friends, relatives and peer groups control our commitment to Jesus?
E.  Do we really believe that with God all things are possible? (Matt. 19:26)Then why are we often so pessimistic about the Lord's work?
F.  Do we really believe that we must take up our cross daily and follow after Jesus? (Luke 9:23).  Then why is our loyalty to Him so often centered around convenience and entertainment?
G.  Do we really believe that unprofitable servants will be cast into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth? (Matt. 25:30)Then why are so many content to just "go to church?"
H.  Do we really believe that a Christian must offer himself as a living sacrifice and be not conformed to the world? (Romans 12:1-2).  Then why is there so little difference and distinction between professing Christians and those who make no such profession?
    Obedience is the only sign that proves one is a true believer. In Hebrews 5:9, we learn that Jesus is NOT the Author of salvation to all who give only mental acknowledgement to the fact that He is the Son of God; but rather the Author of salvation to all who obey Him.  
                                                                                        - - Toby Miller

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